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Decisions for issue Laleham Park

Issue - decisions

Laleham Park

21/02/2019 - Laleham Park Pavilion

Cabinet considered a report proposing the demolition of the existing Laleham Park pavilion and toilets and replacing them with a new toilet facility and a hardstanding area for mobile catering.  There is provision of £200,000 in the 2018/19 capital programme for expenditure on the pavilion and it is considered that an additional sum of up to £50,000 is required for this project.


Other options considered and rejected:

To do nothing which would leave the health and safety concerns unresolved.


Resolved to recommend to Council:


1.    That the capital programme provision of £200,000 for expenditure on Laleham Pavilion is carried forward to 2019/20.

2.    That the capital provision be increased by £50,000 to a total of £250,000.


Cabinet resolved, subject to the above, to:

3.    Agree to allocate the capital budget to demolition of the pavilion, and creation of a new toilet facility and hardstanding

4.    Agree to spend part of the budget now on the design stage

5.    Give delegated authority to the Group Head for Regeneration and Growth, in consultation with the Leader and the Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhood Services, to agree the works and appoint contractors to undertake the demolition and build.



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Last modified: 27 Feb 2019