Amendments to the Constitution – 2024/2025 Municipal Year


Council – 24 October 2024

Part 3b – Terms of Reference

Addition of new terms of reference for Corporate Policy and Resources Committee: 

To appoint a shareholder representative for any company set up by Spelthorne Borough Council.

To approve dilapidation settlements that exceed £500k.

Addition of new term of reference for Commercial Assets Sub-Committee to approve dilapidation settlements valued between £101k and £500k and make recommendations to Corporate Policy and Resources Committee for any that exceed £500k.

Amendment to terms of reference for Licensing Committee to make changes to existing policies and adopt new policies where they do not require a Council decision under the Policy Framework at Article 4.


Part 3d - Delegations to Officers

Addition of:

Delegation 1.13

Delegation to the Group Head Place, Protection and Prosperity to authorise grant funding for the Spelthorne Business Forum on an annual basis, to ensure value for money.

Delegation 4.1i

Delegation to the Group Head for Assets in consultation with the Chair of Commercial Assets Sub-Committee, to agree dilapidation settlements up to £100k.

Delegation 7.17

Delegation to the Group Head of Neighbourhood Services in relation to Fixed Penalty Notices for failure to comply with a duty of care in the disposal of controlled waste.

            Delegation 12.11

Delegation to Group Head Place, Protection and Prosperity in consultation with the Chair of the Licensing Committee to make minor amendments to the Pavement Policy.


Part 4(a) – Council Standing Orders

Amendments to Standing Orders in relation to public questions:

13.6 to require the Chief Executive and/or Monitoring Officer to consult with the Mayor before rejecting a question for Council.

16.11 to amend the limit for Motions from 100 to 200 words in length.

40.1 to 40.5 to amend the process for public questions at Committee such that they may be permitted on any matter within the Committee’s remit. The Notice period amended to align with Standing Order 13.3 for questions at Council, limit for questions amended from 2 to 3 and to 150 words. Reasons for rejection of a question extended to reflect Standing Order 13.6 and that decision to be made in consultation with Chair of Committee.


Part 4(a) Rules of Debate flowchart

Changes to wording and shading of process that relates to amendments, to clarify the process during the debate of a Motion.


Under Delegation to Monitoring Officer, Article 13

Part 3d – Delegations to Officers

Amendment in all instances where delegation was to Senior Environmental Health Manager, to now be delegated to the Group Head Place, Protection and Prosperity, who manages the Environmental Health Team.

Amendment in two instances from Deputy Chief Executive responsible for Environmental Health and Building Control to Group Head Place, Protection and Prosperity.