Article 14 – Suspension, Interpretation and Publication of the Constitution

14.1    Suspension of the Constitution

(a)      Limit to suspension. The Articles of this Constitution may not be suspended. The rules specified below may be suspended by a meeting of the Council to the extent permitted within those rules and the law.

(b)      Procedure to suspend.A motion to suspend any rules will not be moved without notice, unless at least one half of the whole number of councillors are present. The extent and duration of suspension will be proportionate to the result to be achieved, taking account of the purposes of the Constitution set out in Article 1.

(c)       Rules capable of suspension. The following rules may be suspended in accordance with Article 14.1:

·               Standing Orders for Council

·               Financial Regulations

·               Contract Standing Orders

14.2      Interpretation

The ruling of the Mayor as to the construction or application of this Constitution or as to any proceedings of the Council shall not be challenged at any meeting of the Council.  Such interpretation will have regard to the purposes of this Constitution contained in Article 1.

14.3      Publication

The Group Head of Corporate Governance will ensure that a copy of the Constitution is available in the Members’ Room, available for inspection at the Council offices and on the Council’s website.