Article 7 – Strategic, Regulatory and other Committees

7.1      Strategic Committees

The Council will appoint the following strategic committees to discharge those functions described in Part 3 of the Constitution:


·         Corporate Policy and Resources Committee

·         Environment and Sustainability Committee

·         Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee

·         Business, Infrastructure and Growth Committee


7.2         Regulatory Committees

The Council will appoint the following committees to discharge its quasi-judicial and regulatory functions described in Part 3 of the Constitution:

·         Planning Committee

·         Licensing Committee/Licensing Sub-Committees

·         Audit Committee

·         Investigating and Disciplinary Committee

·         Appointments and Appeals Committee


7.3      Other Committees

(i)     The Council will appoint the following committees to discharge those functions described in Part 3 of the Constitution:

·         Standards Committee


(ii)    The Council may appoint other committees from time to time to discharge specific functions of the Council or to advise it on specific issues.