Issue - meetings

VFM Working Group update

Meeting: 25/11/2021 - Audit Committee (Item 602)

VFM Working Group update

To receive an update from the Chief Finance Officer on progress made by the Value for Money Working Group.



The Chief Finance Officer advised that KPMG had been invited to attend tonight’s meeting but had declined to attend.  They had indicated however that they would be willing to meet the Value for Money Working Group and were available the week commencing 6 December.  A date was to be arranged and it was anticipated that at that meeting KPMG would share their draft conclusions on a confidential basis initially, to allow a response, before making those public. 


It was viewed as encouraging that KPMG had asked for the draft Statement of Accounts and any post balance sheet events so they could update the narrative of significant events (such as Covid-19 and Brexit) that may be relevant to those figures. 


The Committee resolved to note the update.