Issue - meetings

Capital Bids 2022/23 (part of annual budget process)

Meeting: 18/01/2022 - Environment and Sustainability Committee (Item 6)

Capital Bids 2022/23 (part of annual budget process)

To consider and review the capital bids received.


Additional documents:


The Chief Accountant presented the three capital bids for 2022/23 to the Committee for their consideration.


In response to questions from the Committee the Group Head of Neighbourhood Services provided the following information:


New Wheelie Bins

The Council had a duty to replace any bins that had been crushed, broken or stolen.  Bins were also required for new developments in the borough, although a charge was made for these.


The bins were high quality and therefore more expensive than some available but were considered a good choice as they had a long lifespan.   They were bought in bulk through the Council’s procurement framework.


Food Waste Vehicle:

A replacement food waste collection vehicle was required to replace one written off following a traffic accident.  The loss adjusters had recently advised that the value of that vehicle had been assessed as £40,000.  The Committee was advised that the capital bid had to be submitted as £80,000, the cost of the replacement vehicle for accounting purposes.


River Ash Boardwalk

The Committee was advised that when the Bronzefield site was built, funds were allocated specifically to the Bronzefield Reserves for environmental enhancements to the area and could not be used for any other purpose.  It was proposed that a boardwalk was installed for the part of the circular path alongside the river in that area that was subject to high levels of flooding to make it accessible to residents all year round. 


The Committee resolved that the three capital bids as presented should be rated green (to commence in 2022/23) for recommendation to the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee.