Issue - meetings

23/24 Budget

Meeting: 17/01/2023 - Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee (Item 9)

9 23/24 Budget pdf icon PDF 256 KB

To review the budget, fees and charges, growth bids, savings bids and capital bids for the Committee’s areas of responsibility.

Additional documents:


The Deputy Chief Executive presented the draft budget, fees and charges, growth bids, savings bids, and capital bids for the Committee’s areas of responsibility.


The Deputy Chief Executive introduced the Net Expenditure Budget and highlighted items where significant changes between the current and previous year were reflected. Overall, the draft budget for the Committee had been reduced by £150,000.


The Deputy Chief Executive presented the Detailed Budget, noting that following the move to a new financial system the presentation would be refined in future. The Committee requested clarification on the high salary costs and miscellaneous costs recorded within the budget. The Committee was provided with a detailed budget breakdown and there were some specific queries. The Committee questioned the budget of Benwell Day Centre which no longer officially operated and requested that savings in this area be considered. This would be reviewed and raised at the Council Budget meeting.


The Committee queried the figure on projects within the homelessness prevention category. A written note on this would be provided to the Committee.


The Deputy Chief Executive presented the Savings Bids which had been reviewed by Officers and would be incorporated into the net budget. The Deputy Chief Executive further presented the Growth Bids and explained both staffing posts were fully funded by external sources.


The Deputy Chief Executive presented the Fees and Charges and explained that these had been increased by at least 5% in accordance with instruction from the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee. The Committee raised concern about the impact of this increase on particular services such as Meals on Wheels. The Committee requested that the Deputy Chief Executive explore options to not increase the fees for the Meals on Wheels service.


The Committee resolved to recommend that Corporate Policy and Resources Committee approve the draft 23/24 budget with respect to the Committee’s Budget.