Agenda and minutes

Shepperton Studios Community Liaison Group - Tuesday, 4 October 2022 5.00 pm

Venue: Virtual Meeting via Microsoft Teams

Contact: Christeen Abee  Email:

No. Item



To receive any apologies for absence.


No apologies were received.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 213 KB

To agree the minutes of the previous meeting as a correct record.


The minutes of the meeting held 31 May 2022 were agreed as a correct record.


Overview of Construction Progress and Programme

To receive an overview of construction progress and programme.


The Chairman invited Matthew Wright, Head of Planning and Technical Development, Pinewood Studios, to give a presentation that covered the agenda items for the meeting.


Most walls and roofs were in place on stages at the northwest site. Glass was being installed at the workshop. Construction had advanced on most roadways around the site.


Within the next three months, works to the existing north car park would commence. Points of access would be relocated to that car park, and charging points and drainage would be installed.


Major earthworks were complete at the South site. Work on the multi-storey car park had commenced. Lighting was being finalised, and internal roads were substantially complete. Construction would continue on the stages, offices and workshops. It was confirmed that lighting for the car parks would be controlled over the winter months.





Construction Vehicle Traffic Routes

To discuss routing of construction vehicles to the studios.


Michael Richards, Laing O’Rourke, explained that the construction management plan identified six routes to the site.


Several members expressed concern that construction vehicles were not adhering to prescribed routes and the traffic should be more equally distributed across the routes.


Andrew Smith, Corporate Affairs Director, Pinewood Studios, agreed that he would address the issue and provide a response outside the meeting.


Landscaping Update

To receive an update on landscaping, bunds, and planting.


There had been a 95% success rate for trees at the Northwest site. Those that failed would be replaced in the next planting season. Wildflower seeding and weed control would be undertaken from November.


Additional trees would be planted on the western bund on the South site as there were some failures due to the dry summer.


River Ash Update

To receive a progress update on the works surrounding the River Ash.


Plans for improvements around the River Ash had not changed and works should begin in autumn or winter. Works would include clearing some fallen trees from the river and clearing areas to bring more light and create more habitats around the site. Communications would go out to residents in due course.


Community Matters

To receive an update around community matters.


Dan Burton, Community Engagement Manager, Shepperton Studios, provided an overview of the community events they sponsored since last meeting, such as the Shepperton Village Fair and Shepperton in Bloom.


The River Ash Clean-up Day had been scheduled for 25 October and more information would be available soon.


Community Screenings had been cancelled due to HM Queen Elizabeth II’s passing and would be rescheduled for early next year.


Four applicants had been awarded funding from the Shepperton Studios Community Fund.


Laing O’Rourke had done litter picks and window cleaning on surrounding roads and had built a new base at Dawson Hall for Shepperton Guides. They had also been working to respond to residents concerns regarding privacy and planting. Local schools had been invited to decorate hoarding that would be laminated and installed on Shepperton Road, and Laing O’Rourke had helped install a concrete path for wheelchair access at Laleham School.


Laing O’Rourke provided a summary of issues that had arisen since last meeting and how they were addressed.


They also provided a summary of employment opportunities and were looking to recruit locally.


Communications Update

To receive an update on communications.


Meetings had taken place with residents on surrounding roads to address specific issues.


Regular communications would be released to notify surrounding properties of upcoming works, new works that would need to take place, and traffic issues.


Off-Site Highway Works

To receive a progress update on off-site highways works.


A scheme for the Laleham Village gateways would be put forward once discussions over the pedestrian crossing were complete. Legal agreement would then need to be signed and road space booked. James Bevis, i-Transport, confirmed that most works related to the pedestrian crossing and gateway would take place outside the carriageway, and any traffic management would need to be agreed with Surrey County Council. It was confirmed that work on the pedestrian crossing would not impact parking near the All Saints Church lychgate.


Existing village gates in Charlton Village had been refreshed.


An alternate location for the Charlton Village crossing had been submitted to Surrey County Council. Implementation would most likely be the end of 2023 or early 2024.


Technical approval had been issued for signals at the existing roundabout on Spelthorne Lane. Technical approval was imminent for the Littleton Lane roundabout and works at the west end of Studios Road. Timing of works would be dependent on discussions with Surrey County Council and would seek to minimise disruption to the road network.


Michael Richards, Laing O’Rouke, advised that road closures in the area due to the Esso Pipeline works would overlap with upcoming lane closures on Shepperton Road that needed to be completed to replace low-pressure gas mains.









Planning Progress Update

To receive an update on other planning matters.


There were no planning matters to provide an update for.


Update on use of land for the Shepperton Studios Expansion

To receive an update on the use of land for the Shepperton Studios Expansion.


David Furst queried when the ancillary storage sites would be returned to agricultural use. Matthew Wright confirmed the land would be returned when the project was complete as its use was tied to planning permission.



For any other business to be raised.


There was no other business raised for discussion.



To receive questions from members of the public.


There were no further questions raised.