
Use the search options below to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

Alternatively you can visit the officer decisions page for information on officer delegated decisions that have been taken by council officers.

Decisions published
Title Date Effective from Call-ins
Lease renewal, Communications House ref: 235227/01/202531/01/2025Call-in expired
Ground Floor Letting, Charter Building ref: 235127/01/202531/01/2025Call-in expired
Lease renewal Unit 4 Elmsleigh Shopping Centre, Staines-Upon-Thames TW18 4QB ref: 234827/01/202531/01/2025Call-in expired
Commercial Portfolio Update ref: 234627/01/202527/01/2025Not for call-in
Exclusion of Public and Press (Exempt Business) ref: 234527/01/202527/01/2025Not for call-in
Elmsleigh property management update ref: 234727/01/202527/01/2025Not for call-in
Summit Centre, Sunbury-on-Thames, Site Sale ref: 234927/01/202531/01/2025Call-in expired
Corporate Policy and Resources Draft Capital Programme for 2025/26 ref: 233420/01/202520/01/2025Not for call-in
Corporate Policy and Resources Draft Detailed budget for 2025/26 ref: 233320/01/202520/01/2025Not for call-in
Terms of Reference for KGE Task & Finish Group ref: 234120/01/202520/01/2025Not for call-in
Urgent Actions ref: 234320/01/202520/01/2025Not for call-in
Forward Plan ref: 234420/01/202520/01/2025Not for call-in
Questions from members of the Public ref: 233220/01/202520/01/2025Not for call-in
Disclosures of Interest ref: 233120/01/202520/01/2025Not for call-in
Minutes ref: 233020/01/202520/01/2025Not for call-in
Revised Corporate Complaints Policy ref: 233820/01/202520/01/2025Not for call-in
2023-24 Audited Accounts for KGE ref: 233920/01/202520/01/2025Not for call-in
Corporate Plan Progress Report ref: 234020/01/202520/01/2025Not for call-in
Treasury Management Strategy Mid-Year Review ref: 233520/01/202520/01/2025Not for call-in