Decision details

8/00138/FUL - Wardle Dental Surgery, 68 Church Road, Ashford, TW15 2TW

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No



This Application sought permission for the erection of a roof extension including front and side dormers and the raising of the ridge height, the erection of a part two storey, part single storey rear extension with habitable space in the roof, the provision of parking space, and the creation of 4 one bedroom flats.


Additional information:

The Planning Development Manager informed the Committee that the Relevant Planning History section (Paragraph 2, Page 96) should read ‘11/00733/OUT Application Refused 01.12.2011’ rather than ‘11/00733/OUT Grant Conditional 01.12.2011’.


Condition 2 should be altered to reflect an amended plan received to allow for an update to an annotation on the plan, which now states the ground floor flat is a ‘1 bedroom flat’:


“The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans; JSD-16-57/100 Rev A, JSD-16-57/102 Rev A (Received 03.04.3018), JSD-16-57/101 Rev C (Received 20.04.2018”.


Three additional letters of representation were received objecting to the proposal on the following grounds which were not already in the committee report:


Concerns over present car parking and access to the road for emergency vehicles.

-           The site would be overused/overdeveloped

-           Concerns over the reduced area of the surgery, which would lead to overcrowding of the site for residential purposes

-           Concerns over rubbish collections and who would maintain strips of ground within the site

-           Excessive density

-           The site is a dangerous part of Ashford’s road network, and cars park on yellow lines

-           Concerns over the description of the development

-           The car parking spaces are narrower than other car parks, and vehicles now tend to be wider


Public Speaking:

In accordance with the Council’s procedure for speaking at meetings, Peter Davies spoke against the proposed development raising the following key points:

           Parking concerns – lack of parking, on street parking in Brownrigg road, cars block existing accesses

           Overcrowded development

           Plans do not show all development at 70 and 72 Church Road


In accordance with the Council’s procedure for speaking at committee meetings, Ward Councillor Gething spoke against the proposed development and raised the following key points:

           Loss of dentist

           Parking concerns

           Impact on street scene – already agreed

           Impact on war memorial – already agreed



During the debate the following key issues were raised:

           Query over size of flat

           Impact on war memorial is ok

           Difficult to refuse

           Does it make a positive contribution to the street scene?

           There is a car park in Ashford

           Very little different to previous proposal

           Dentist already operates on site with limited parking



The Application was approved as per the recommendation in the Officer’s


Publication date: 09/05/2018

Date of decision: 02/05/2018

Decided at meeting: 02/05/2018 - Planning Committee

Accompanying Documents: