Issue - meetings

Revenue Budget 2018/19

Meeting: 22/02/2018 - Council (Item 38)

Revenue Budget 2018/19

The Budget Book (green cover) will be issued in a supplementary agenda and will reflect the recommendations considered at the meeting of the Cabinet on 21 February 2018.


Additional documents:


The Council considered the recommendation of Cabinet on the detailed Revenue Budget for 2018-19 and the proposed Council Tax for 2018-19. The Mayor referred councillors to the Budget Book (green cover) reflecting the decisions and recommendations made by Cabinet on 21 February 2018, including the precepts being levied by Surrey County Council and the Surrey Police.


The Mayor asked the Council to agree, in accordance with Standing Order 20.4, that the respective Budget speeches of the Group Leaders may each exceed 10 minutes in length if necessary.


Resolved to agree that the respective Budget speeches of the Group Leaders may each exceed 10 minutes in length if necessary.


The Leader of the Council, Councillor I.T.E. Harvey and the portfolio holder for Finance, Councillor H.R. Williams, made a joint statement on the Budget and the Council Tax and moved and seconded the recommendations on the detailed Budget for 2018-19 as set out in the report circulated in the Budget Book.  The Leader of the Ashford and Staines Residents’ Group then made a statement. Councillor Beardsmore, Leader of the Liberal Democrats declined the opportunity to make a speech.


A copy of Councillor Harvey’s speech is attached to these minutes as Appendix A.


At the conclusion of the debate on the Revenue Budget, the Mayor explained it was a legal requirement to record in the minutes of the proceedings the names of the persons who cast a vote for the decision or who abstained from voting.


Councillor Burkmar was absent from the Chamber for the vote on Item 38/18.


The voting was as follows:


FOR (23)

Councillors I.T.E. Harvey (Leader); A.C. Harman (Deputy Leader); M.M. Attewell; R.O. Barratt; J.R. Boughtflower;

R. Chandler; T.J.M. Evans; K. Flurry; M.P.C. Francis;

A.E. Friday; N.J. Gething; N. Islam; A.T. Jones;

J.G. Kavanagh; V.J. Leighton; A.J. Mitchell; S.C. Mooney;

D. Patel; J.M. Pinkerton; O. Rybinski; A. Sapunovas;

R.A. Smith-Ainsley; H.R.D. Williams


Councillors D. Saliagopoulos; Q.R. Edgington; J. Sexton


Councillors I.J. Beardsmore; S.M. Doran; S.A. Dunn; Spoor




1.    To participate in the Surrey wide 2018/19 Business Rates Retention pilot scheme;

2.    To continue the Council’s Local Council Tax Support Scheme with the current rules and regulations;

3.    To continue the complete disregard of war pension /armed forces pension income from benefit calculations;

4.    The growth and savings items as set out in the report’s appendices;

5.    The Council Tax Base for the whole council area for 2018-19. [Item T in the formula in Section 31b(3) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, as amended (the “act”)] should be 39,280.00 band D equivalent dwellings and calculate that the Council Tax requirement for the Council’s own purpose for 2018-2019 is £197.44 Per Band D equivalent dwelling;

6.    To approve a £5 or 2.6% increase on Band D in the Spelthorne Borough Council element of the Council Tax for 2018-19. Moreover:

The revenue estimates as set out in Appendix 1 be approved.

1.    No Money, as set out in this report is appropriated from General Reserves  ...  view the full minutes text for item 38