Agenda and minutes

Cabinet - Wednesday, 15 July 2015 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Knowle Green, Staines-upon-Thames

Contact: Greg Halliwell  Email:

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 327 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 24 June 2015.


The minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 24 June 2015 were agreed as a correct record.


Disclosures of Interest

To receive any disclosures of interest from councillors in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct for members.


There were none.


Recommendation from Audit Committee

Councillor Evans


To consider a recommendation from Audit Committee on the Corporate Risk Register.


Cabinet considered the Corporate Risk Register.


RESOLVED to approve the Corporate Risk Register as submitted.


Reason for the decision:

The Register summarises the Council’s most significant risks. It sets out the controls which have been put in place and identifies any further action which might be needed to mitigate risks.


Gambling Act Policy Statement 2016-2019

Councillor Forbes-Forsyth


Cabinet considered the revised Statement of Gambling Policy for 2016-2019.


RESOLVED to approve the revised Statement of Gambling Policy for 2016-2019 for consultation in accordance with the timetable specified in the report.


Reason for the decision:

In line with best practice set out by the Cabinet Office, the Council must review and consult on its Statement of Gambling Policy at least every three years.


Leader's announcements

To receive any announcements from the Leader.


The unemployment rate in Spelthorne stood at 0.8% at the end of June, the lowest figure recorded for the Borough. This represents approx. 500 claimants.


The Council has welcomed the recently published report from the Airports Commission which recommends that a third runway be built to the north west of Heathrow. The report recognises the economic case for expanding Heathrow and also suggests a number of measures to address environmental concerns such as noise and air quality. The Government is expected to make a decision in the autumn. 


Residents are being reminded that they can sign up for ‘airAlert’ to receive early warnings of high pollution levels via text, email or voicemail. It is available to everyone but aimed particularly at those with asthma or other respiratory diseases.


The Council is in the process of reviewing its Local Plan which sets out how much development should be allowed in Spelthorne. Forming part of the information needed for the review, the Council has drafted a Strategic Housing Market Assessment and is currently seeking views on the document from residents. The closing date for comments is 3 August. 


Team Spelthorne celebrated a successful weekend at the 19th annual P&G Surrey Youth Games. Over 550 young people represented Team Spelthorne in 29 teams at the event held at Surrey Sports Park in Guildford on 20 and 21 June. Team Spelthorne came sixth overall, winning gold medals in tennis, girls’ touch rugby and touch tennis; silver medals in under 9 girls’ football, under 13 netball, under 13 squash, under 15 table tennis and tennis. Bronze medals were won in contact boxing and under 10 squash. Two judo competitors were also awarded individual medals and Korben Mitchell, age 12, won Volunteer of the Games.

As it is holiday season, residents are being advised that kennels and catteries, including those run from private homes, must be licensed by the Council. The Council inspects premises annually to check that a minimum standard of care is being provided. Residents can check a licence by calling Environmental Health on 01784-446291.


The summer Bulletin will be delivered to residents from 18 July and includes articles on Spelthorne’s local councillors, the textile collection scheme and the Spelthorne Joint Enforcement Team. The magazine also contains the rubbish and recycling collection calendar.


During July, stickers are being placed on the bins of residents who put food waste in their rubbish bin. They are being encouraged to use the food waste collection scheme and offered a new caddy if they need one.

The Environment team are running roadshows in local supermarkets during July to encourage residents to recycle more plastic. Food waste roadshows for schools will start again in September and work continues to promote the new textiles collection service.

Residents living in Sunbury-on-Thames were treated to a free performance of ‘Our June’s Wedding’ on Sunday 28 June, a play about family, celebration, love and tradition.


A 5K running route has been installed at Laleham Park.


Despite very strong opposition  ...  view the full minutes text for item 2196.


Issues for future meetings

Councillors are requested to identify any issues to be considered at future meetings.


There were none.


Urgent items

To consider any items which the Chairman considers as urgent.


There were none.