Agenda item

Questions from members of the public

The Leader, or their nominee, to answer any questions raised by members of the public in accordance with Standing Order 14.


The following question has been received from Mr. Andrew McLuskey:


“Given that, according to government figures, Spelthorne is the unhealthiest Council area in Surrey, and also the 132nd in England’s health league, and given also that Surrey has pointed out that we have pockets of deprivation in particular areas of the Borough, what does the Council intend to do to remedy this unhappy situation?”


In accordance with Standing Order 15.3 (c) of the Constitution, the Mayor directed that the following public question and answer be circulated in writing at the meeting without being read aloud:


Question from Mr Andrew McLuskey

“Given that, according to government figures, Spelthorne is the unhealthiest council area in Surrey , and also the 132st in England’s health league, and given also that Surrey has pointed out that we have pockets of deprivation in particular areas of the Borough what does the Council intend to do to remedy this unhappy situation.”


Response from Cllr. Jean Pinkerton OBE, former portfolio holder for Housing, health, wellbeing, Independent Living and leisure


Thank you for your question, Mr McLuskey.


The health and wellbeing of Spelthorne residents is a key priority for the Council and we dedicate significant resources to ensuring that residents of all ages have opportunities to stay physically and mentally active and maintain a healthy lifestyle. There is a huge choice of sporting and leisure activities in the Borough and many of these are provided free of charge.


It is not uncommon for Spelthorne to compare less than favourably in health statistics when compared with other Surrey Boroughs. The Borough lies to the south west of London and has a demographic which makes it more comparable with some outer London boroughs than the rest of Surrey. 


Surrey is one of the healthiest counties in the UK and Spelthorne also fares well in the majority of health measures when compared with the national picture and that of our neighbouring boroughs. However, the Council is not complacent and recognises the key role it plays in helping to improve the health and wellbeing of residents, particularly those in areas of greater deprivation where certain health issues are more prevalent.


A Spelthorne Health and Wellbeing Strategy is being written in liaison with partner organisations, which includes several health related actions. The local strategy is aligned to the NW Surrey CCG Prevention Plan and the prevention element of the Surrey Health and Wellbeing Strategy. It contains a number of initiatives all aimed at improving the health and wellbeing of residents, looking at local needs and evidence of what has worked well in the past.


Current initiatives include:-

  • Surrey County Council commissioned Weight Management courses are currently running at Spelthorne Leisure Centre and Stanwell Rose Centre.

·         Food premises can take part in the Surrey wide ‘Eat Out Eat well’ award scheme.

·         Surrey County Council have commissioned Quit 51 to provide a Surrey Wide Stop Smoking Service and Spelthorne recently took part in the smoke free playground project.

·         Spelthorne work very closely with Active Surrey, schools and local sports clubs to promote opportunities for sport within Spelthorne. Free sports sessions for young people will start in April as part of the Surrey Youth Games and a `Sports week’ will take place in the summer holidays for young people.

·         There are several free opportunities for people of all ages to keep active including four skate/BMX parks, tennis courts, basketball courts and multi-use games areas and play areas. Plus several large parks and open spaces and riverside walks. We have a new 5k measured run route in Laleham Park, which is free to use.

·         Spelthorne run a Walking for Health and Cycling for Health schemes for adults and an exercise referral scheme for those with health problems is available at Spelthorne Leisure Centre. Local walk route maps are available on the Spelthorne website and cycling maps are being developed.

  • We have a disability sports club for young people on a Saturday morning and a Boccia Club for adults with disabilities on a Thursday evening.

·         We are currently taking part in the Get Fit 50+ Surrey wide scheme in liaison with Active Surrey and Public Health and our day centres and community centres offer a wide range of activities for older people.

·         We work with Action Surrey, Age UK and GP surgeries to ensure residents’ homes are safe, warm and in a good state of repair.