Agenda item

15/01590/SCC - Grazing Land Opposite Ford Close, Kingston Road, Ashford



Surrey County Council consultation for the construction of new single storey fire station with access from A308 Staines Road West, incorporating two double appliance bays, dormitories with ancillary facilities, office accommodation, operational areas and store rooms; drill tower and smoke house; proposed hard standing for training, car parking and refuelling point for appliances; associated generator and oil storage tank; retention of existing rail timber fencing on north and eastern boundary of the site and the erection of 3m high acoustic fencing on the south west and part of the northern boundaries.


Additional Information:

The Assistant Head of Planning informed the Committee that one late letter of objection had been received which raised concerns with the closing of two fire stations and the replacement with only one.

In addition she reported that three further letters of objection from Surrey County Council had been received which raised concerns relating to:

·         Green Belt

·         Flooding

·         Noise

·         Traffic congestion

·         Loss of view of open fields


Public Speaking:

There was none.



During the debate the following key issues were raised:

·         Recommendation must be on planning matters not closure of 2 existing fire stations

·         Flooding concerns

·         Location issues with flooding of nearby roads

·         Highly vulnerable use in green belt

·         Respects green belt

·         Loss of green belt

·         Visual improvements needed to mitigate proposal

·         Have started work on site

·         Loss of trees

·         Eyesore

·         Need substantial landscaping



That Surrey County Council be informed that Spelthorne Borough Council raise OBJECTIONS to the proposed new fire station to be located on land south of Fordbridge Roundabout unless:


1.    Flood storage capacity is increased to avoid adding to flood risk elsewhere; and

2.    Sufficient landscaping is proposed to mitigate the visual impact of the proposal


Spelthorne would also comment that if permission was to be granted by SCC then the following should be satisfied:


1.    Adequate protection of ecology during construction;


2.    A demonstration that impact on archaeology is acceptable;


3.    Acceptable in terms of highway safety to the satisfaction of the County Highway Authority.


4.    Air quality measures presented in the Air Quality Assessment be controlled by condition and that Construction Environmental Management Plan and Dust Management Plan be approved prior to commencement to protect human health and prevent nuisance.


5.    Ground gas mitigation of ground gas risk be approved prior to commencement and the scheme be constructed in accordance with these approved details.


6.    That the following conditions be applied in relation to ground contamination:


A) Condition: No development shall take place until:-


    (i)        A comprehensive desk-top study, carried out to identify and evaluate all potential sources and impacts of land and/or groundwater contamination relevant to the site, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


  (ii)        Where any such potential sources and impacts have been identified, a site investigation has been carried out to fully characterise the nature and extent of any land and/or groundwater contamination and its implications. The site investigation shall not be commenced until the extent and methodology of the site investigation have been agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.


 (iii)        A written method statement for the remediation of land and/or groundwater contamination affecting the site shall be agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of remediation. The method statement shall include an implementation timetable and monitoring proposals, and a remediation verification methodology. The site shall be remediated in accordance with the approved method statement, with no deviation from the statement without the express written agreement of the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: To protect the amenities of future residents and the environment from the effects of potentially harmful substances in accordance with policies SP6 and EN15 of the Spelthorne Borough Core Strategy and Policies Development Plan Document 2009.





The requirements of the above Condition must be carried out in accordance with current best practice. The applicant is therefore advised to contact Spelthorne's Pollution Control team on 01784 446251 for further advice and information before any work commences. An information sheet entitled "Land Affected By Contamination: Guidance to Help Developers Meet Planning Requirements" proving guidance can also be downloaded from Spelthorne's website at


B) Condition: Prior to the first use or occupation of the development, and on completion of the agreed contamination remediation works, a validation report that demonstrates the effectiveness of the remediation carried out shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: To protect the amenities of future residents and the environment from the effects of potentially harmful substances in accordance with policies SP6 and EN15 of the Spelthorne Borough Core Strategy and Policies Development Plan Document 2009.




The requirements of the above Condition must be carried out in accordance with current best practice. The applicant is therefore advised to contact Spelthorne's Pollution Control team on 01784 446251 for further advice and information before any work commences. An information sheet entitled "Land Affected By Contamination:Guidance to Help Developers Meet Planning Requirements" proving guidance can also be downloaded from Spelthorne's website at

Supporting documents: