Agenda item

15/01513/FUL - Headline House, Stanwell Road, Ashford



Erection of a two storey building to provide 1 no. one bed flat, 6 no. two bed flats and 1 no. three bed flats with associated parking and amenity space following demolition of the existing commercial building on the site.


Additional Information:

The Assistant Head of Planning explained that a total of 12 additional late letters of objection have been received. The issues included:

·         The proposal would not overcome the reason for refusal on the previous scheme which was refused on overdevelopment grounds

·         Unacceptable overlooking, particularly associated with the proposed balconies

·         Inadequate parking

The Assistant Head of Planning recommended the following additional condition be imposed:


Prior to the commencement of the development hereby approved, the applicant shall submit to the Local Planning Authority for approval, details of the proposed balconies to units 1.04 and 1.05 on the first floor.  The details shall include a set in from the northern boundary by 1m and the erection of a 2m high screen on the northern boundary.  The details as agreed shall be implemented prior to the occupation of the units and maintained.


Reason: - To safeguard the privacy of the adjoining properties  in accordance with policies SP6 and EN1 of the Spelthorne Borough Core Strategy and Policies Development Plan Document 2009.


Public Speaking:

In accordance with the Council’s procedure for speaking at committee meetings, John Higham spoke against the proposed development and raised the following key points:

·         The proposal does not overcome the reason for refusal on the previous scheme which was refused on overdevelopment grounds

·         Unacceptable overlooking, particularly associated with the proposed balconies

·         Inadequate parking


In accordance with the Council’s procedure for speaking at committee meetings, Michael Wood spoke in favour of the proposed development and raised the following key points:

  • Worked with the planning officers to get an acceptable scheme
  • Attractive development which will enhance the character of the area
  • Meets Council’s parking standards
  • Census showed 1.24 cars per household across the Borough
  • Current use generates significantly more parking than proposal
  • Supports impact on St Hilda’s Church listed building opposite with similar design and use of red brick
  • Would provide much needed housing in the borough


In accordance with the Council’s procedure for speaking at committee meetings, Councillor Gething spoke as ward councillor and raised the following key points:

  • Welcomes residential development but needs to be proportionate
  • Increase in number of bedrooms compared with refused scheme
  • Overdevelopment
  • Design out of keeping with street scene
  • Rear balconies result in overlooking
  • Parking problems



During the debate the following key issues were raised:

  • Parking proposed meets Borough Council’s Parking standards for cars and cycles
  • Will replace an unattractive building
  • Improvement within street scene
  • Complements listed building of St Hilda’s church
  • Overlooking is minimal
  • Balconies are now acceptable with additional condition suggested by officers
  • Contrary to Surrey County Council parking standards, safety concerns
  • Good design
  • Parking problems, inadequate parking
  • Overlooking from balconies
  • Concerns over storage on balconies, would like a condition to prevent this
  • Could address concerns over balcony storage in lease terms
  • Vast visual improvement
  • Overlooking is not a problem
  • Sympathetic to listed building church
  • Amenity/green space is provided



The application was approved as set out in the report of the Head of Planning and Housing Strategy subject to the following additional condition:


Prior to the commencement of the development hereby approved, the applicant shall submit to the Local Planning Authority for approval, details of the proposed balconies to units 1.04 and 1.05 on the first floor.  The details shall include a set in from the northern boundary by 1m and the erection of a 2m high screen on the northern boundary.  The details as agreed shall be implemented prior to the occupation of the units and maintained.


Reason: - To safeguard the privacy of the adjoining properties  in accordance with policies SP6 and EN1 of the Spelthorne Borough Core Strategy and Policies Development Plan Document 2009.


Supporting documents: