Agenda item

Planning application- 22/01562/FUL - Land to South of New Road, Littleton, Shepperton



Laleham and Shepperton Green.




Use of land to the south of New Road for car parking, including access from New Road, with alterations to existing fence line to facilitate pedestrian access for a temporary period of 24 months, alongside associated infrastructure.




The application is recommended for approval.





Use of land to the South of New Road or car parking, including access from New Road, with alterations to existing fence line to facilitate pedestrian access for a temporary period of 24 months, alongside associated infrastructure.


Additional Information:

The Principal Planning Officer informed the committee of 3 updates to the report:


1. Update to 4.1 (Consultations) of the report:


Consultation response from Lead Local Flood Authority (Surrey County County):

·         Initially raised concern regarding surface water management. No objection following receipt of further information.


2. Update to paras. 7.56.

 The site is located in flood zone 3a which represents land having a high probability of flooding with a greater than a 1 in 100 probability of flooding.  The analysis set out in paragraphs 7.57 – 7.59 stating the proposal is acceptable on flooding grounds remains.


3. Two additional conditions to be imposed:


9. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans 3945-FBA-XX-XX-DR-A-010090 Rev. P01; /010091 Rev. P01; /010092 Rev. P03; and ITL14056-GA-162 Rev. A.


Reason:- For the avoidance of doubt and to ensure the development is completed as approved.


10. No external materials shall be laid on the site until full details of the panels for the roadway and parking areas are submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be then constructed in accordance with the approved materials.


Reason:- To ensure that suitable temporary materials are laid on the site, and in the interest of flood risk.




Public Speaking: In accordance with the Council’s procedure for speaking at meetings, Ken Snaith spoke against the proposed development raising the following key points:


-The Shepperton Residents’ Association objected to this application

-There was no economic gain in a remote car park

-This application would encourage other applicants to use economic reasons to develop on green belt

-There was potential danger to parents and children using this temporary car park

-There was a 400 metre walk from the car park to the school gates along a section of narrow footpath which was dangerous, particularly for parents with pushchairs

-There was loss of car parking in the north section before the availability of a multistorey car park in the south

-There was future limited access to Studios Road during the six-month new roundabout construction which had caused problems

-Residents could not be expected to suffer from the result of this proposed solution

-Additional impact on the local highways would cause more misery for residents 

-There was disagreement with paragraph 7.51-7.53 of the officer’s report

-Traffic which exited the studios through Studios Road would become involved in the one-way traffic diversion for the duration of the new roundabout construction




In accordance with the Council’s procedure for speaking at meetings Matthew Wright spoke for the proposed development raising the following key points:


-The officers report outlined that planning permission was granted in July 2019 for expansion of Shepperton Studios which made it the largest film studio in Europe and second largest in the world

-Construction for expansion was underway with programmed completion for this year which was a shorter period than originally envisaged

-Economic benefits of the scheme would be delivered sooner with shorter construction activity

-In August 2022, the Planning Committee approved upgrades to Shepperton Studios’ existing carpark

-Shepperton Studios had recently signed a deal with Surrey Wildlife Trust to deliver their biodiversity net gain of 20%

-In order to undertake upgrade works for the existing car park the number of parking spaces needed to be decreased temporarily

-It was not possible to accommodate all displaced parking and there was a need for a secure well managed overflow carpark which would prevent overspill parking onto local roads in residential areas

-The proposed temporary car park was a short walk from the studios and was well screened behind an existing fence line with a tree and shrub boundary

-The temporary car park would have no permanent construction using trackway which was a temporary surface that was removed upon completion of the expansion

-There was no long-term impact caused by the temporary car park

-There was opportunity to take studio traffic off the public highway before they reach the junction of Studios Road and New Road where a new roundabout would be constructed in Spring 2023

-The carpark was not proposed to accommodate additional traffic but to provide parking for existing traffic who were unable to use the current studio car parks due to construction works

-The new roundabout works had the potential to infrequently impact on school drop off for Littleton Infant School

-There would be a parking area dedicated to parents for school drop off and pick up periods

-This application was supported by Littleton Infant School

-There were very special circumstances that clearly outweigh harm to the greenbelt




During the debate the following key issues were raised:


-Exceptional circumstances for this application were unjustified

-The Studios should find an alternative solution which wouldn’t involve use of greenbelt

-It was an unacceptable risk to allow extra pedestrians to cross at New Road where cars travelled at high speed

- There were great benefits of the temporary carpark aside from greenbelt issues

-The updated car park would be properly drained and fitted with electric vehicle charging points

-Previously a shuttlebus for employees had operated which could be utilised again

-There would be no increase in traffic as the same cars would enter and leave the studios daily

-There was concern with restoring the green belt site at the end of the 24-month period

-Greenbelt regulations in the Shepperton area were ignored with no action taken

-There was concern for restoration after two years of sustained weight on ground with land prone to becoming boggy following rainfall

-It was in the nature of the trackway that weight is spread with resulted minimal indentation

-Shepperton Studios supported the community and were proactive with complaints raised



The Committee voted on the application as follows:


For 11

Against 1

Abstain 0


Decision: The application was approved subject to the reported two additional conditions and an amendment to condition 4 as follows:

After “remediation of the land”, add “and restoration of the site.”





Supporting documents: