Agenda item

Service Plans (as part of the Budget Process)

To review and approve service plans for the Committee’s areas of responsibility.


The Committee considered the Service Plans under the Committee’s remit for 2024-25. The Service Plans set out the proposed revenue growth bids and savings plan for the next financial year, and provided the basis of the 2024-25 budget. The Chief Accountant explained the budget setting process in more detail, underlining key dates in relation taking the closing budget and reaching an opening budget for this Committee.


Some Committee members raised concern in regard to the Capital Programme budget figure on Street Property Acquisitions as highlighted in the Housing Service Plan. Members noted that decisions leading to an expenditure of £5.2 million should be considered at full Council for total visibility and integrity. The Deputy Chief Executive clarified that the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee approved participation in Rounds One and Two of the Local Authority Housing Fund Scheme, and that individual property acquisitions (each being separate transactions with different counterparties were all individually well below £1m) are approved by Development Sub-Committee and forwarded to the Knowle Green Estates Board for final approval. Moreover, the total gross costs for each acquisition has always been clear, with 40% of costs covered by grants funds and the remaining costs to the Council are refunded from monthly rental income from the property.


The Committee queried the purpose of the Benwell Day Centre costs in the Detailed Budget Report since this centre was no longer in operation. The Committee further queried the figure on Bed and Breakfast emergency accommodation costs as well as the increase in First Aid Allowance. The Chief Accountant confirmed that he would look into each figure and provide a written note of clarification to all Committee members.



The Committee resolved to:


1.    Formally review the proposed revenue Growth Bids and Savings Plan for 2024-2025 for this Committee.

2.    Approve the proposed Revenue Growth Bids and Savings Plan for 2024-2025 for this Committee subject to officers sending clarification to the Community Wellbeing and Housing Chair and Vice-Chair on any errors within the report.

3.    Recommend to Corporate Policy and Resources Committee that they approve the proposed Revenue Growth Bids and Savings Plan for 2024-25 subject to officers sending clarification to the Community Wellbeing and Housing Chair and Vice-Chair on any errors within the report.



The meeting adjourned at 20:38 and reconvened at 20:54.

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