Agenda item

Leader's announcements

To receive any announcements from the Leader.


The following are the latest service updates from various Council departments.


The Council has purchased the south west corner of the BP campus in Sunbury-on-Thames, completing their ownership of the site. BP will remain on the site as tenants, leasing back the offices from the Council for a minimum period of 12 years. The arrangement will generate a significant annual income for Spelthorne and forms a key part of the Council’s strategy to develop new ways of generating long term income streams to protect its services.


Spelthorne’s recycling rate is up to 49.2% (from 46.9% for the same period last year) thanks to an increase in the amount of food waste being collected and the recycling team’s ongoing efforts to educate residents.


A new communal hut has been built at the Commercial Road allotments in Staines-upon-Thames which will be officially opened in the spring thanks to a grant from the Tesco ‘Bags of Help’ scheme. 


Spelthorne MP Kwasi Kwarteng played the role of Speaker of the House as part of a Parliament event organised for schools. Teams comprising year 11 students from Thamesmead, Matthew Arnold and Sunbury Manor schools spent the afternoon learning the finer points of the Parliamentary process before breaking into groups to debate the lowering of the voting age to 16.


Cllr Ian Harvey has announced that a ‘windfall’ grant of £20,000 per ward (£260,000 total) is being made available to local community groups, thanks to an improvement in the Council’s finances following the BP purchase. Organisations interested in applying should contact one of their ward councillors.


Businesses in Staines-upon-Thames have voted for the introduction of a Business Improvement District (BID) that will generate over £1.5m over the next five years for town centre projects which will improve the visitor experience and increase footfall for retailers. The ballot turnout was 45% and 76% voted in favour of establishing a BID.


The winter Bulletin has been delivered to homes in the Borough and features articles about the purchase of the BP campus, Christmas recycling tips and local leisure events.


Housing Options have launched the Spelthorne Rent Assure scheme to attract private landlords to rent their properties to homeless households. The Council is offering to pay local market rate rent directly to landlords for up to two years. The first tenant moved in at the beginning of December and three more are planned before Christmas.


Following an increase in the number of evictions from A2Dominion tenancies the Housing team has established an early intervention scheme to help tenants avoid eviction wherever possible.

The Spelthorne Disability Sports Club celebrated their 10 Year anniversary with a party on 17 December. The Club, which was set up by Leisure Services for young people with disabilities, is managed by a team of dedicated volunteers and meets every Saturday at Spelthorne Leisure Centre.


Congratulations to Andy Bennett from Littleton Sailing Club who won the `Outstanding Service to Sport’ award at the Surrey Sports Awards on Tuesday 6 December at the HG Wells Centre in Woking. Mr Bennett was put forward for the award after winning the Spelthorne Sports Award in October.


The cumulative Council Tax collection rates up to the end of November were:-

Council Tax:                         83.5% (83.3% sply)

Council Tax Support           68.10% (64.8% sply)

Business Rates:                   77.92% (74.6% sply)

Business Rates growth      0.63%