Agenda item

17/00318/FUL - Blue Peter Cabin, Sunbury Court, Lower Hampton Road, Sunbury-on-Thames, TW16 5PL



Proposed change of use from Secure Residential Institution (Use Class C2a) to one Residential Dwelling (Use Class C3) incorporating associated minor external and landscaping works.


Additional Information:

The Assistant Head of Planning (Development Management) reported that a letter had been received on behalf of the applicant, the Salvation Army, raising the following points:


·         The former log cabin will be brought into beneficial use as part of the applicant’s investment of the site.


·         The proposal exceeds the Council’s SPD guidance on separation distances for dwellings.


·         The trees are not covered by a tree Preservation order.  Dense replacement planting to act as a buffer has been proposed.


The Assistant Head of Planning (Development Management) recommended that the following additional condition be imposed:


Within three months from the date of this decision notice, full details of both soft and hard landscape works shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and these works shall be carried out as approved.  The trees and shrubs shall be planted on the site within a period of 12 months from the date of the approval of the landscaping, or such longer period as may be approved by the Local Planning Authority, and that the planting so provided shall be maintained as approved for a period of 5 years, such maintenance to include the replacement in the current or next planting season whichever is the sooner, of any trees or shrubs that may die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased, with others of similar size and species, unless the Local Planning Authority gives written permission to any variation.



To minimise the loss of visual amenity occasioned by the development and to enhance the proposed development.


Public Speaking:

At the Chairman’s discretion (in the interests of fairness), John Mold spoke against the proposed development and raised the following key points:


·         Loss of trees

·         Feels like building is within his rear garden

·         Needs mature planting

·         New grey building looks conspicuous


In accordance with the Council’s public speaking procedures, Adam Kindred spoke for the proposed development and raised the following key points:


·         Salvation Army been based at Shepperton Court since 1925

·         Site has been upgraded recently

·         Proposal builds on the legacy of the Salvation Army


In accordance with the Council’s procedure for speaking at meetings, Councillor Alfred Friday spoke as Ward Councillor against the proposed development raising the following key points:


·         Loss of trees

·         Privacy concerns



During the debate the following key issues were raised:


·         A landscaping condition will be imposed on any planning permission

·         Query over materials.  (Officer note: there is a condition requiring samples to be submitted for approval

·         Loss of privacy

·         Quick growing trees like leylandii should be provided

·         It is a refurbishment of a building which is already there



The application was approved as per the agenda subject to the additional landscaping condition referred to above.


Councillor P. Forbes-Forsyth was not present at the start of this agenda item and did not participate in the discussion nor take part in the vote.

Supporting documents: