Agenda item

17/01143/FUL - Staines Town Hall, Market Square, Staines-upon-Thames



This Application sought approval for change of use from pub/restaurant use (Use Class A3/A4) to 13 residential units comprising 2 no. studio flats, 6 no. 1-bed flats and 5 no.2-bed flats, and associated alterations.


Additional Information:


The Planning Development Manager informed the Committee that:


1.   A consultation response was received from Thames Water raising no objection (a copy had been forwarded to the applicant). They requested the following informative was attached to the decision notice:



A Groundwater Risk Management Permit from Thames Water will be required for discharging groundwater into a public sewer. Any discharge made without a permit is deemed illegal and may result in prosecution under the provisions of the Water Industry Act 1991. We would expect the developer to demonstrate what measures he will undertake to minimise groundwater discharges into the public sewer. Permit enquiries should be directed to Thames Water’s Risk Management Team by telephoning 02035779483 or by emailing Application forms should be completed on line via


2.    A consultation response was received from the Crime Prevention Officer raising no objection (a copy had been sent to the applicant). He made security related comments, most of which were very detailed (e.g. laminated glazing, door locks) elements which are not normally covered and enforced under the planning regulations. He also recommended a condition to be imposed requiring the redevelopment to achieve the Secured by Design Award. Whilst it was not considered reasonable to impose such a condition, it was proposed to add the following informative to the decision notice:


The applicant’s attention is drawn to the ACPO/Home Office Secured by Design (SBD) award scheme, details of which can be viewed at


3.    Amended plans had been received showing the design and position of the proposed railings around the top of light well on the western elevation of the building. The proposed elevation drawing also showed the new platform lift. The Council’s Conservation Officer raised no objection to the proposed railings. Condition 2 (drawing numbers) of both the planning application and listed building consent were amended accordingly:


Condition 2 (17/01143/FUL & 17/01144/LBC)

The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans and drawings:


THS/EX/100; /101; /102; /103; /104; /105; /200; /201; /202; /300 (x 2); /401 received 15 July 2017.


THS/PL/100; /101 (x 2); /102; /103; /105; /200; /201; /202; /300; /301; /302; /303; /401; /500; /501; /502; /506; /900 received 15 July 2017.


THS/PL/202 Rev. C received 06 February 2018


THS/PL/101 Rev. B received 07 February 2018


Reason:- For the avoidance of doubt and in the interest of proper planning


4.    With regard to the pair of blind arched windows in the southern rear elevation, the report referred to them being “blocked” whereas in fact they are “blind”.  Therefore the following paragraphs in the report were amended:

3.4 The proposal involved the change from pub/restaurant   use (Use Class A3/A4) to 13 residential units comprising 2 no. studio, 6 no. 1-bed and 5 no. 2-bed flats. The scheme will involve the installation of new internal walls and floors to enable the interior to be converted into 13 separate units. However, many of the proposed rooms on the upper floors will have full floor to ceiling room heights so to expose the original ceiling and its associated features. The existing basement will be used as an ancillary gym. The bin store will also be located in the basement. There will be very limited alterations to the external parts of the building. The main changes involve the existing blocked windows to be re-opened. This include the re-opening of the Thelarge arched blocked blind windows on the southern riverside elevation are to be opened. In addition, the existing modern pedestrian ramp on the western side of the building is to be removed and alterations are to be carried out to the existing light well to provide more light to the ancillary gym. There will be no car parking spaces proposed. All of the units will be occupied as market housing.


7.12 The proposed changes to the exterior of the listed building will be minimal (mainly the re-opening of blocked windows, opening of the blind arched windows in the rear elevation and removal of the modern ramp) and are considered acceptable. It is also considered that the proposal will not adversely affect the setting of the existing listed buildings of the 2 no. telephone kiosks, the old fire station, and the other listed buildings in the area.


7.18 It is noted that 2 letters of objection have been received from the owner of the vacant piece of land to the rear of the building. Issues raised relate to the proposed re-opening of the existing blocked-up blind windows in the rear elevation, the consequent overlooking, possible impact this could have on the potential redevelopment of the adjacent land, possible boundary infringements and access over the adjacent land during construction. Whilst the comments are noted, it is not considered that there are sufficient grounds to justify refusal on these grounds. The overlooking impact needs to be assessed in relation to the existing situation and the proposal’s impact on the adjacent piece of vacant land will be very limited. The issues relating to the possible infringement of the boundary and access rights to the rear of the building are not planning matters and cannot be taken into consideration with these applications.


Public Speaking:

In accordance with the Council’s procedure for speaking at meetings, Anne Damerell spoke against the proposed development raising the following key points:

  • Would prefer a community use but accepts this will not occur
  • Conversion to flats will be an improvement
  • Opening up of blind windows at the rear will be an improvement.
  • Concern over no level access from the front of the building which could impede access for those with disabilities
  • Query over storage of bikes
  • Query over storage and access to refuse bins


In accordance with the Council’s procedure for speaking at meetings, Danny Simmonds spoke for the proposed development raising the following key points:

·         Building has been vacant since 2014, condition is now deteriorating

·         Previous uses have not been successful

·         Residential development is the only means to bring this building back to active use

·         Will be a substantial benefit to Staines Town Centre

·         Positive contribution to the Staines Conservation Area

·         Will assist in meeting the Borough’s housing requirements in a sustainable location



During the debate the following key issues were raised:

  • The Old Town Hall (OTH) has deteriorated
  • This proposal is the only alternative to preserve the listed building which is an integral part of Staines
  • Policy EN5 permits the LPA to apply policies in a more flexible way
  • Concern about lack of parking
  • Query over whether the clock will work again
  • Concern over the lack of disabled access
  • Lack of parking is ok in this particular case
  • Two flats do not meet the technical standards
  • It is a pity the OTH cannot be used for community purposes
  • Signage should point to disabled access at the side of the building
  • The new development should have “Town Hall” in its name
  • Queries over access during a flood



The Application was approved as per the recommendation in the Officer’s report subject to the additional conditions and informatives above and the following two informatives agreed by the Planning Committee:


  1. The applicant is requested to give consideration to providing disabled access to the front of the building.  This is likely to involve a listed building consent application and will involve land currently within the ownership of Spelthorne Borough Council.


  1. The applicant is requested to give consideration to restoring the existing clock as part of the proposals.



Supporting documents: