Agenda item

Corporate Project Management update

To receive an update report on Corporate Project Management.


The Committee received an update from the Head of Customer Services on progress with the Council’s priority projects and the Towards a Sustainable Future (TaSF) programme. She reported on the progress being made with various aspects of the Knowle Green Programme and the 13 corporate projects.


She explained there had been a delay in the structural review under TaSF, to allow Management Team to fully appraise the new Leader of their plans and allow the political administration an opportunity to reflect and confirm its corporate priorities. This would ensure the new structure was aligned to help deliver those priorities.


Resolved to note the progress report on:

1.    the Towards a Sustainable Future programme and work stream updates

2.    the status of the Corporate Projects dashboard and Spelthorne projects map and

3.    the work the Corporate Project Team was undertaking to promote good practice and support project managers.


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