Issue - decisions

Outline Budget

13/12/2017 - Outline Budget - Key Decision

Cabinet considered a report on the Outline Budget 2018-19 to 2021-22 which summarised the medium term financial strategy in place designed to generate offsetting income, deliver efficiencies and to mitigate the projected budget gaps.


There were no alternative options considered by Cabinet.


Resolved that:-

1.    The net budgeted expenditure (before investment and use of reserves) for 2018-19 be set at a maximum level of £11.3m;


2.    Cabinet support the overall strategy set out in the report for addressing efficiencies and achieving medium term financial sustainability; and


3.    the financial health indicators set out in paragraph 3.21 be agreed.


Reason for Decision.

The recommended options set out in the Report will help to ensure the ongoing financial sustainability of the Council.