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Decisions published

26/07/2018 - Acquisition of Property M ref: 756    Recommendations Approved

To acquire a building which would bring in a steady income stream for the term of the lease. The income stream will assist in the future ongoing financial stability of the Council.

Decision Maker: Chief Executive

Decision published: 13/09/2018

Effective from: 26/07/2018


1) The Chief Executive carried out necessary negotiations to complete the acquisition of the asset in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer, the Leader and the Cabinet Member for Finance.
2) The Chief Finance Officer decided (i) the most financially advantageous funding arrangements for the purchase, (ii) the most tax efficient method of holding the asset, to ensure the acquisition was prudentially affordable.
3) The Head of Corporate Governance entered into the legal documentation necessary to acquire the asset

Lead officer: Daniel Mouawad, Terry Collier, Michael Graham