Decision details

Business, Infrastructure & Growth Budget, Fees and charges, and Revenue Growth Bids for 2025/26

Decision status: Deleted

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Committee considered a report from the Joint Financial Services Manager on the Fees and Charges, and Revenue Growth Bids for the Business, Infrastructure & Growth Committee.


The Deputy Chief Executive advised that there were no Capital Bids or Savings proposals for this Committee to consider. The Deputy Chief Executive then introduced the Growth Bids and Fees and Charges and invited comments. Members were advised that the default position was for a 4% uplift of fees rounded to the nearest pound but that there were exceptions where an increase would have an adverse impact on activity and income streams.


The Committee requested clarification on the cost to the Council for the Jobs and Skills Hub and were advised that up until March 2025, the cost was nil due to funding from the Department for Works and Pensions and the Shared Prosperity Fund (SPF).


The Committee asked what the funding for the Ashford Business Improvement District (BID) would cover and were advised that it would cover the stakeholder consultation, formation of business plans and setting up steering committees. There would be no ongoing cost to the Council.


Councillor Geach arrived at 19:12


The Committee requested a report on outcomes for the SPF. It was agreed that a report would be circulated to all members via the Members’ Briefing Pack in Spring 2025.


Committee resolved to:

  1. Approve the Budget, Fees and Charges, and Growth Bid proposals for Business, Infrastructure & Growth Committee
  2. Recommend to Corporate Policy & Resources Committee that they approve the proposed Budget, Fees and Charges, and Growth Bid proposals for Business, Infrastructure and Growth Committee.


Councillor Mooney requested it was noted that she did not agree with the proposed Growth Bids.

Report author: Mahmud Rogers

Publication date: 12/12/2024

Date of decision: 05/12/2024

Decided at meeting: 05/12/2024 - Business, Infrastructure and Growth Committee

Accompanying Documents: