131 Corporate Risk Management PDF 347 KB
Report to follow.
Additional documents:
The Committee considered a report from the Internal Audit Manager that outlined the significant strategic risks and issues in delivering the Council priorities and objectives and the current control actions, current mitigating measures and planned future mitigations.
This report had been considered at the meeting of the Audit Committee on 24 November and they recommended that this should also be considered by the Corporate Policy & Resources Committee.
The Committee resolved to note the Corporate Risk Management Report.
37 Corporate Risk Management PDF 348 KB
To consider the significant strategic risks and issues highlighted in the report from the Internal Audit Manager.
Additional documents:
The Internal Audit Manager presented a report on corporate risk management. This included the Corporate Risk Register (CRR), which had been RAG rated in response to members’ requests, and a Risk Action Plan, also colour coded, which demonstrated mitigating actions taken to control risks.
The Internal Audit Manager explained that CRR reporting was constantly evolving. A numerical risk score had been developed for each broad risk category and compared to a previous risk score, enabling that the most significant risks to be identified, managed, monitored and reported.
The Committee noted the Influence on risk of wider externalities, such as the macro-economic and geo-political situation. There were many activities which the Council was not able to directly mitigate or influence. The report set out those areas where the Council could exercise control or influence.
The Committee commended the new format for the CRR. They noted collective ownership and responsibility of all risk categories rested with the relevant Committees, the management team and lead officers. They requested minor changes such as attributing committee ownership for some categories and colour coding at the top of each item. The Committee thanked the Internal Audit Manager for her work on this report.
The Committee resolved