Issue - meetings

Corporate Risk Management

Meeting: 09/07/2024 - Audit Committee (Item 29)

Corporate Risk Management

Additional documents:


The Committee received a report from Lee O’Neil, Deputy Chief Executive on the Corporate Risk Register (Corporate Risk Management) which set out the significant strategic risks to the Council in delivering its priorities. The Deputy Chief Executive reported that there had been some delay in generating the new register due to technical constraints, however this had since been resolved. It was clarified that the ownership of the risk register now sat with Corporate Management Team and Corporate Policy and Resources Committee members. The main changes to the register included a review and update of risk categories, and risk scores for certain categories had also been adjusted to reflect current threat and impact. The change in risk rating from amber to red for climate change was highlighted as this category brought specific risk to Spelthorne, as demonstrated by recent flooding events within the borough during January 2024.


The Committee queried whether the risk register was designed to ensure that risk assessments were completed meaningfully by managers. The Deputy Chief Executive confirmed that the current format was adopted by the previous Audit Manager, and worked well. Efforts had always been made to evolve the Corporate Risk register to make it effective and easier for managers to focus on key risks and mitigating actions to make the process simpler. 


The Committee requested that latest housing register numbers should be quoted on the Corporate Risk Register each time the register was updated and reported to committee for additional context to expand on the risk category of Housing. Terry Collier, Deputy Chief Executive explained that the numbers were ever-changing however he would liase with colleagues to ensure latest figures are included in the Corporate Risk Register at future Audit Committee meetings.


The Committee identified that there was some overlap within certain risk categories including housing. Lee O’Neil, Deputy Chief Executive agreed that there were categories which could be combined, and this would be addressed with individual risk owners to avoid repeating information going forward.


The Committee resolved to consider the significant strategic risks and issues highlighted in this report and present these to the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee, ensuring continued wider reporting of the Corporate Risk Register and actions across other Committees.