Issue - meetings

Community Grants report

Meeting: 11/06/2024 - Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee (Item 22)

22 Spelthorne Annual Grants 2025/26 pdf icon PDF 472 KB

To consider and make a recommendation to Council regarding the Spelthorne Annual Grants 2025/26.

Additional documents:


The Committee resolved to:


1.    Agree and recommend to Council about providing indicative Grant funding for the five-core funded voluntary organisations (Voluntary Support North Surrey, Citizens Advice Runnymede and Spelthorne, Homestart, Age UK and Shopmobility) for the financial year 2026/2027 when the 2025/2026 grant award is made.


2.    Agree and recommend to Council to ringfence a minimum of £3000 of the grants budget to sport and active lifestyle projects and £3000 to arts projects. (subject to receiving applications from sport and art organisations).


3.    Agree and recommend to Council to amend the grant eligibility criteria to exclude schools and parent teacher Associations from applying.


The Committee considered a report from the Community Development Manager which sought approval to make three decisions and recommendations to Council regarding the Spelthorne Annual Grants 2025/26. The first recommendation related to providing indicative grant funding for the five-core funded voluntary organisations for the financial year 2026/2027 when the 2025/2026 grant award is made. This would be beneficial as an additional year of indicative funding would assist the charities with forward planning, staff recruitment and retention.


The second recommendation proposed to ring fence a minimum of £3,000 of the grants budget to sport and active lifestyle projects and £3,000 to arts projects. This would ensure that funding for sports and arts organisations continue as they have an important role in the community by providing services which positively impact on wellbeing.


The third recommendation was to amend the grant eligibility criteria to exclude schools and Parent Teacher Associations from applying. This was because borough councils hadn’t previously provided funding for schools, and there were other more suitable funding sources.


The Committee requested that it be made clear to all Councillors when the grant application process begins. The Community Development Manager confirmed she will ensure any communications are sent out in advance of the application window opening in September 2024.


The Committee resolved to approve Option 1, Option 2 and Option 3 as set out in the report and resolved to:


1.    Agree and recommend to Council about providing indicative Grant funding for the five-core funded voluntary organisations (Voluntary Support North Surrey, Citizens Advice Runnymede and Spelthorne, Homestart, Age UK and Shopmobility) for the financial year 2026/2027 when the 2025/2026 grant award is made.


2.    Agree and recommend to Council to ringfence a minimum of £3000 of the grants budget to sport and active lifestyle projects and £3000 to arts projects. (subject to receiving applications from sport and art organisations).


3.    Agree and recommend to Council to amend the grant eligibility criteria to exclude schools and parent teacher Associations from applying.