Issue - meetings

Development Delivery Strategy

Meeting: 20/05/2024 - Development Sub-Committee (Item 52)

52 Update Report - Development Delivery Strategy pdf icon PDF 610 KB

To consider recommending to Corporate Policy and Resources Committee to:


1.    Approve the introduction of a Development Delivery Strategy.

2.    Approve the form and content of the draft Development Delivery Strategy attached to this report.

3.    Approve a Councillor led working party to produce a development site prioritisation list to be considered at the September Business, Infrastructure and Growth Committee Meeting for approval, and

4.    Refer the Development Delivery Strategy to Full Council for adoption.

Additional documents:


The Sub-Committee considered a report on the updated Development Delivery Strategy which outlined the various delivery options for Council owned sites and the criteria by which they could be assessed. A further Member workshop would be held and a site prioritisation list would be presented to the Business, Infrastructure & Growth Committee in September 2024.


The Sub-Committee queried whether the strategic priorities set out in the appendix to the report would be guaranteed even when delivering sites through partnership with external developers. The Sub-Committee further asked how the Council would ensure the Corporate Plan Objectives would be achieved when partnering with external organisations. The Group Head Assets advised that the strategic objectives would serve as a starting point, where it would not be possible to achieve certain goals it would be outlined in the individual site report. The Chair added that the purpose of the strategy was to allow flexibility so that the Council could take bespoke decisions on each site.


The Sub-Committee queried the make up of the working party that would be considering the site prioritisation list and was advised that it would consist of ward councillors and administration group leaders.


The Sub-Committee resolved to recommend to Corporate Policy and Resources Committee to:

  1. Approve the introduction of a Development Delivery Strategy.
  2. Approve the form and content of the draft Development Delivery Strategy attached to this report.
  3. Approve a Councillor led working party to produce a development site prioritisation list to be considered at the September Business, Infrastructure and Growth Committee meeting for approval, and

4.    Refer the Development Delivery Strategy to Full Council for adoption.