Issue - meetings

Terms of Reference

Meeting: 06/06/2024 - Business, Infrastructure and Growth Committee (Item 4)

4 Terms of Reference pdf icon PDF 209 KB

To consider the Terms of Reference for this Committee.


The Committee considered the Terms of Reference for the Business, Infrastructure and Growth Committee. The Committee requested clarification on what the statutory and non-statutory functions were that fell within the Committee’s remit.


The Committee asked whether feedback would be available from the Heathrow Liaison and were advised that this was something that could be requested if they wished.


The Committee asked for an update on the International Business Engagement report that had been on the Forward Plan for the former Economic Development Committee and were advised that it was now on the Forward Plan for Business, Infrastructure and Growth Committee for September.


The Committee asked for clarification as to whether recommendations on disposal of assets would go to Corporate Policy and Resources Committee and were informed that, as per the terms of reference, this would go directly to Council.


The Committee asked for clarification on the regeneration portfolio assets being used as income producing. The Group Head Assets advised that there were three assets within the strategic regeneration portfolio that were currently income producing but once they were ready to be developed, would be transferred to the development portfolio.