Issue - meetings

Gambling Act Policy 2025-2028 Draft for Consultation.

Meeting: 23/07/2024 - Licensing Committee (Item 8)

8 Gambling Act Policy 2025-2028 Draft for Consultation pdf icon PDF 475 KB

To consider approval of the draft Statement of Gambling Policy 2025-2028 for consultation.

Additional documents:


The Principal Licensing Officer presented the draft Gambling Act Policy 2025-2028 prior to it undergoing a four-week consultation by relevant authorities.


The Principal Licensing Officer explained that the Policy had only recently undergone a review and approval, and the only changes since it was last agreed were changes to formatting. The Committee’s attention was drawn to the list of consultees at the end of the policy.


A member of the Committee acknowledged the impact of gambling on vulnerable residents and queried if any further warning regarding gambling could be added to the policy. Other members of the Committee felt this was not necessary and noted this was not done on other policies. The Lawyer advised against additional wording as it may be read as an opinion.


The Committee resolved to approve the draft Statement of Gambling Policy 2025-2028 for consultation in accordance with the timetable set out in the report.