Issue - meetings

Financial Reporting Working Group

Meeting: 03/06/2024 - Corporate Policy and Resources Committee (Item 69)

69 Financial Reporting Working Group pdf icon PDF 340 KB

To consider the re-establishment of a member working group focused on financial reporting, the Terms of Reference for the working group, and the membership of the working group.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report from the Deputy Chief Executive to re-establish the member working group focused on financial reporting. The working group would work with finance officers to help them identify how reports could be made easier to understand for councillors, and ensure key points were effectively summarised. It was suggested that at least three members be appointed as part of the working group.


A member of the committee noted the working group met during the day which made it difficult for those councillors who worked to attend.


The Committee nominated Lawrence Nichols, Howard Williams, Michele Gibson, John Doran, and Sean Beatty to be members of the working group focused on financial reporting.


The Committee resolved to

1.    Approve the re-establishment of a Member Working Group focused on Financial Reporting

2.    Agree the Terms of Reference for the Working Group

3.    Agree to appoint Councillors Lawrence Nichols, Howard Williams, Michele Gibson, John Doran, and Sean Beatty to sit on the working group.