Asset Portfolio Exit Strategies
To consider a report on the draft exit strategy for each investment asset.
Additional documents:
The Sub-Committee considered draft exit strategies for five properties in the Asset Portfolio.
The meeting adjourned for five minutes and Councillor Saliagopoulos left at 15:30pm.
Councillor Beatty left the meeting at 4:00pm.
The Sub-Committee resolved to approve the form and detail of the Exit Strategy for each investment asset.
Asset Portfolio Exit Strategies
To consider a report on the draft exit strategy for each investment asset.
Additional documents:
The Sub-Committee considered draft exit strategies for four properties in the Asset Portfolio.
The Sub-Committee resolved to approve the form and detail of the Exit Strategy for each investment asset.
Meeting ended at 14:59
Asset Portfolio Exit Strategies
To consider a report on the draft exit strategy for each investment asset.
Additional documents:
The Committee resolved to approve the form and detail of the Exit Strategy for each investment asset subject to incorporation of the comments raised at the meeting.
The Committee considered draft exit strategies for three properties in the Asset Portfolio. The Group Head – Assets advised that the exit strategies would complete a suite of documents related to each Asset, and feedback from the meeting would be incorporated into future strategies presented to the Committee.
The Committee resolved to approve the form and detail of the Exit Strategy for each investment asset subject to incorporation of the comments raised at the meeting.
Meeting ended 15:10