13 Pay Policy 2025/26 PDF 178 KB
Council is asked to approve the Pay Policy Statement 2025/26.
Additional documents:
Council resolved to approve the Pay Policy Statement for 2025/26.
26 Pay Policy 2025/26 PDF 360 KB
The Committee is asked to make a recommendation to Council to approve the Pay Policy Statement for 2025/26.
Additional documents:
The Committee resolved to recommend to Council that the Pay Policy Statement is approved.
The Committee were advised that it was a statutory requirement that an Annual Pay Policy was published by 31 March of each year for the following financial year.
The Committee requested further information on the current Discretionary Redundancy Payments as outlined in Appendix 2 attached to the report. The Group Head of Commissioning and Transformation advised that they would provide full details in writing to all Committee members
The Committee resolved to recommend to Council that the Pay Policy Statement is approved.