8 Heathrow Easterlies Alteration Consultation PDF 410 KB
To make comments on the planning application consultation to report to Planning Committee on 5 February 2025.
Additional documents:
The Committee considered the Council’s draft response to the London Borough of Hillingdon regarding Heathrow Airport’s application for easterly alternation operations. The Council recommended objecting to the application for reasons related to noise and air pollution as the changes in aircraft take off and landing patterns would have a significant impact on the residents of Stanwell Moor.
A member of the Committee felt that the alternation would create a more equal distribution of noise across all communities that lived near the airport. Other members of the Committee acknowledged the negative impact the residents of Stanwell Moor experienced due to their proximity to the airport and felt the increased activity over the area would have an unacceptable impact on residents.
The Committee resolved by majority to make comments to the Planning Committee advising that the Environment and Sustainability Committee agrees with the officer’s attached draft report to raise objection on unacceptable noise impact on Spelthorne properties in Stanwell Moor.