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Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee

This page lists the meetings for Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee.

The Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee consists of 11 councillors. Meetings take place four times a year to discuss:

·        Affordable, social housing and homelessness provision 

·        Arts and culture strategy 

·        Asylum seekers and refugees 

·        Civil Enforcement (JET)  

·        Community Day Centres 

·        Community safety and crime & disorder  

·        Community Transport (Spelride) 

·        Disabled Facilities Grants 

·        Environmental Health excluding pollution control and contaminated land 

·        Family Support 

·        Home Improvement Agency 

·        Housing Benefits/Council Tax Support 

·        Housing Options including allocations  

·        Housing policies and strategies 

·        Leisure and sports contracts 

·        Licensing matters (including HMO licensing) save for those specifically reserved to the Licensing Committee 

·        Management and maintenance of council owned housing and services to tenants 

·        Private sector and social housing enforcement including housing conditions 

·        Public Halls  

·        Services for older people  

·        Supported living independently – including meals on wheels 

·        Voluntary and community sector strategy and liaison  

·        Workplace Health & Safety enforcement of businesses in the community.

