To receive any announcements from the Leader and Deputy Leader.
The Leader made the following announcements:
The Government has decided to change the way local government is
structured by replacing the current two-tier system of district and county councils with unitary councils. We know that Surrey will be in the first wave of the reorganisation which means that, together with the other surrey councils, we will need to submit an interim business case for reorganisation in March and a full business case in May. Unfortunately, as part of this, the Surrey County Council elections in May have been cancelled. Like many, I am disappointed by this decision as I wanted residents to have the chance to exercise their democratic vote. But please be assured we are firmly focused on representing the interests of this Borough and will endeavour to do everything within our power to deliver the best possible outcome for Spelthorne’s residents and businesses.
You will soon be receiving your Council Tax bills. To keep costs down, we have decided to stop sending the leaflet that used to accompany the bills but all the information can be found in the spring Bulletin magazine and on our website. We collect Council Tax on behalf of Surrey County Council and the Police, as well as ourselves. The Spelthorne element of the bill represents just over 9% of the total bill (£4.40 per household per week, based on a band D property) and I hope you agree that Spelthorne’s services represent excellent value for money.
The public hearings of the Spelthorne Local Plan Examination have now finished, this is the achievement of a significant milestone, but there is still work to do. Any changes to the Local Plan, agreed by the Examiner, will have to go out for a six-week public consultation before he can start writing his report. Issues involving heights and massing will be subject to our Design Code development.
The Spelthorne Business Plan Competition 2025 has launched. Now in its 11th year, this exciting competition offers aspiring entrepreneurs the opportunity to shine. Applications must be submitted by 14 April so don’t miss this chance to take your business idea to the next level. Continuing our commitment to economic growth and business support in the Borough, this year’s Spelthorne Business Awards are now open to enter. With categories to suit every enterprise – there really is something for everyone.
We have signed an agreement for lease with the Arora Group for the regeneration of a riverside site in Staines-upon-Thames. Subject to planning permission, the plans are for a 4-star hotel development and regeneration of the site currently occupied by Bridge Street car park and Hanover House. In the meantime, it will continue to be used by the Council as a public car park. The Arora Group has indicated their commitment to fully engage with a pre-application public consultation and ensure the design of the new development fits well with its surroundings and the conservation area. The terms of the agreement for lease specify that the new building cannot exceed 25m in height.
I often hear from residents who are concerned on the impact of Houses in Multiple Occupation or ‘HMOs’ on their community. The Council recently agreed to an important positive change which affects HMOs across the Borough. We will be implementing an Article 4 Direction for all wards in Spelthorne, which means that smaller sized Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO’s) will require planning permission. This comes into effect in around 12 months’ time (end of March 2026), although for Staines Ashford North & Stanwell South, and Stanwell North wards, it will come into effect earlier, on 29 August. It will ensure that issues such as parking, noise, and impact on the character of the area are considered before a planning decision is made. A separate licencing process already exists under Environmental Health legislation to ensure these properties are of the right quality and managed effectively by a suitable landlord. If you are aware of any issues with an HMO, please report via the website Report It forms or contact your ward councillor.
And finally, applications are open for funding through the 2024-2025 Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) for local projects and improvements. Last year projects such as playground equipment in local schools and sports clubs, to community building improvements and investment in CCTV to tackle anti-social behaviour were funded. There is information on our website on how to apply and the closing date is the 31 March.