Decision details

Replacement heating/cooling systems at 3 Roundwood Avenue, Stockley Park

Decision Maker: Cabinet, Council

Decision status: Awaiting Implementation

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To consider a report on replacing the failed heating/cooling systems at 3 Roundwood Avenue, Stockley Park, to appoint contractors to undertake the works and make a recommendation to Council.


Cabinet considered a report on the urgent need to undertake works at 3 Roundwood Avenue, Stockley Park following the unexpected mechanical failure of the main chiller and boilers.


It was proposed that the Council forward funds the works, given their scale, and recovers the costs from the tenants via the service charge over the next 18 months.


Alternative options considered and rejected by the Cabinet:

Formally agree not to forward fund the works  


Resolved to:

1.    Approve the expenditure of £271,600 for the forward funding of works to replace the central plant (chiller and boiler system) at 3 Roundwood Avenue;


2.    Approve the appointment of contractor B for the chiller works, and contractor D for the boiler replacement, following a competitive tender process; and 


3.    Authorise the Group Head of Corporate Governance to enter into any legal documentation necessary to formalise the appointments.


Reason for Decision

The works are of an urgent nature following the unexpected mechanical failure of the main chiller and boilers.

The building is fully let with repair and maintenance costs recoverable through a service charge.  The works will greatly enhance the future potential for securing new lettings in the building.

The works have been competitively tendered and represent good value to the Council.

Report author: Jeremy Gidman

Publication date: 16/07/2020

Date of decision: 15/07/2020

Decided at meeting: 15/07/2020 - Cabinet

Effective from: 24/07/2020

Accompanying Documents: