Decision details

Annual Grants 2021/22 - Key Decision

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To agree the organisations to which grants will be made for 2021/22.


Cabinet considered the Annual Grant Awards 2021/22 report and noted that the Council had maintained its funding for voluntary organisations this year, making £209,600 available for allocation along with a carry forward of £34,650 from last year meaning a total of £244,250 was available to be allocated.


The Grants Panel met in December 2020 and January 2021 to assess the applications received and £228,200 was allocated and will be paid in April 2021. The surplus of £16,050 has been ring-fenced for projects which may arise during the year.


Alternative options considered and rejected by the Cabinet:

Not to award grants as recommended.


Resolved that:


1.    the grants awards for 2021/22 be approved,

2.    all other support to the voluntary/charity sector be noted,

3.    £3k to be donated to the Mayor’s charities from the grant fund, and

4.    any unallocated Councillor’s Better Neighbourhood Grant monies be transferred to the Grants Panel for allocation.


Reasons for decision:


1.    Agreement of the award grants for 2021/22 will enable existing charities and voluntary organisations to continue to provide support, assistance and other essential service for Borough residents and new organisations to begin to provide such services.


2.    Cabinet would like to support the Mayor’s charities in a year when fundraising has been made difficult due to COVID-19.


3.    Transferring unallocated Councillor’s Better Neighbourhood Grants will allow this funding to be allocated to local organisations.


Report author: Jayne Brownlow

Publication date: 25/02/2021

Date of decision: 24/02/2021

Decided at meeting: 24/02/2021 - Cabinet

Effective from: 05/03/2021

Accompanying Documents: