Decision details

Election of the Deputy Mayor

Decision Maker: Council

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


It was moved by Councillor O. Rybinski and seconded by Councillor J. Doran that Councillor Sue Doran be appointed Deputy Mayor for the municipal year 2021-2022.


It was moved by Councillor V.J Leighton and seconded by Councillor R.J Noble that Councillor Sati Buttar be appointed Deputy Mayor for the municipal year 2021-2022


A recorded vote was conducted, as requested by Councillor R.A. Smith-Ainsley with the results as follows.


FOR Councillor S. Doran (20)

Councillors: Bateson, Beardsmore, Brar, Doran J, Doran S, Dunn R, Dunn S, Fidler, Grant, Harvey H, Harvey I, Lagden, Nichols, Rybinski, Saliagopoulos, Sexton, Siva, Smith-Ainsley, Spoor and Vinson.


FOR Councillor S. Buttar (17)

Councillors: Attewell, Barratt C, Barratt R, Boughtflower, Buttar, Chandler, Gething, Gibson, Harman, Islam, Leighton, Madams, McIlroy, Mitchell, Mooney, Noble and Sider.



Councillor Barnard.


Resolved that Councillor Sue Doran be appointed Deputy Mayor for the Municipal Year 2021-2022.


Councillor Sue Doran made the Declaration of Acceptance of Office as Deputy Mayor of the Borough of Spelthorne.


The Mayoress, Councillor Helen Harvey, presented the Deputy Mayor’s Consort Badge to Councillor John Doran.


The Deputy Mayor, Councillor Sue Doran, briefly addressed the Council and thanked her proposer and seconder for their support. She said it was a great honour to be elected as Deputy Mayor and looked forward to supporting the Mayor in his Mayoral year.


Publication date: 14/06/2021

Date of decision: 27/05/2021

Decided at meeting: 27/05/2021 - Council