Decision details

Planning Application Nos. 19/01710/RVC and 19/01709/LBC - Dunally Lodge, Walton Lane, Shepperton, TW17 8LQ

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Councillor R.W. Sider BEM left the meeting room for the consideration of this item.



Relaxation of Condition 3 of Planning Permission 19/00478/HOU And Listed Building Consent 19/01709/LBC to raise the front boundary wall by 0.8m.


Additional Information:

The Planning Development Manager advised the Committee of some amendments to Paragraph 3.2, page 89 of the Report:


·         The approved orangery would have protruded approximately 1.5 metres higher than the boundary wall instead of 1.4 metres.


·         The approved height of the orangery is 3.6 metres instead of 3.5 metres.


·         The height of the boundary wall will be increased by 0.9 metres instead of 0.8 metres. The description of the proposal should be amended to reflect this.


Public Speaking:

In accordance with the Council’s procedure for speaking at meetings, Paul Harper spoke against the proposed development raising the following key points:

·         Loss of decorative cornice which was included in the approved scheme.

·         Amendments seek to save costs

·         Causes harm to heritage asset

·         There is no need for the changes to take place

·         Out of keeping with the locality

·         Contrary to NPPF


In accordance with the Council’s procedure for speaking at meetings, Daryll Westen spoke for the proposed development raising the following key points:

·         Only part of the wall will be increased in height

·         A “swan neck” feature is proposed to soften the impact where the change in the height of the wall occurs

·         Integrity of structure is maintained

·         Happy to agree to a condition to keep historic texture of the vertical header

·         There has been extensive dialogue with council planning officers



During the debate the following key issues were raised:

·         Concern over the proposed increase in the height of the wall

·         Adverse impact on the view of the listed building

·         A condition should be imposed requiring the existing vertical header detailing of the wall capping to be retained and incorporated into the raising of the boundary wall.

·         Complies with NPPF



Both applications, 19/01710/RVC and 19/01709/LBC were approved subject to conditions as per the officer report and the following additional condition:


“The existing vertical header detailing of the wall capping shall be retained and incorporated into the raising of the boundary wall hereby approved.


Reason: In the interest of the character and appearance of the listed historic boundary wall in accordance with policies SP6, EN1, EN5 and EN6 of the Spelthorne Borough Core Strategy and Policies Development plan Document 2009 and the National Planning Policy Framework 2019.”


Report author: Drishti Patel

Publication date: 09/03/2020

Date of decision: 04/03/2020

Decided at meeting: 04/03/2020 - Planning Committee

Accompanying Documents: