Issue - meetings

Appointment of property consultants for Knowle Green

Meeting: 14/10/2015 - Cabinet (Item 2215)

Exempt report - Appointment of property consultants for Knowle Green - Key Decision

Councillor Gething


Reason for confidentiality

This report is exempt as it contains exempt information within the meaning of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 and by the Local Government (Access to information) (Variation) Order 2006 Paragraph 3 – Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)


And on the basis that publication of these appendices would not be in the public interest because publication of the Councils approach to this agreement prior to contract award and negotiation of the Development Agreement would likely prejudice the Councils ability to agree the most advantageous terms and conditions with the preferred bidder. Details of the contract process and evaluation of bids can be made available after exchange of contracts.


Additional documents:


Cabinet considered an exempt report on the procurement of property consultants for the relocation and redevelopment of Knowle Green.



1. to approve the appointment of company A to act as property advisors for the relocation of the Council Offices from the Knowle Green site to undertake site sourcing, agree heads of terms and complete the purchase of the building only;

2. to approve the recommendation not to award a contract for the redevelopment of the Knowle Green site on the basis that a strategic review is being undertaken of the direction the Council wishes to take on the site and

3. to approve the recommendation not to award a combined contract for the relocation and redevelopment of the Knowle Green site on the basis that a strategic review is being undertaken of the direction the Council wishes to take on the site.


Reason for decision

In order to move forward on the relocation and redevelopment of the Knowle Green site, one of the strands under the ‘Towards a Sustainable Future’ transformation programme, the Council requires expert property advice which will need to cover guidance on acquisitions, procurement and partnership agreements amongst other matters. 

Resolution 1.  - Gives the Council a clear reason for the appointment as there has been a full and robust evaluation process.

Resolutions 2. and 3. -  The reasons for this approach were set out in paragraphs 1.16 to 1.20 of the exempt report.