Issue - meetings

Exempt report

Meeting: 24/06/2015 - Cabinet (Item 2191)

Exempt report - Bridge Street car park

Councillor Watts


Additional documents:


(Paragraph 3 – Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person, including the authority holding the information).


Cabinet considered a report on the future of Bridge Street car park.


RESOLVED that Cabinet agrees to:

·         Proceed to go out to tender via a fast track process to the two top bidders (paragraph 2.1).

·         To enter into a Conditional Sale and Development Agreement for the site with the preferred bidder.

·         To give delegated authority to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader to deal with all aspects of the revised fast track tender process.

·         To dispose of the land on the best terms possible and provided that a certificate for best value has been received from the Council’s professional advisors.

·         To work with the preferred bidder after the conditional sale and development agreement has been exchanged, to ensure a considered and well-designedscheme is brought forward, which meets the 6 development objectives in the Marketing Brief, and for the Council to use external expert design and urban design advice to ensure these objectives are achieved.




(1)       Members of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee are reminded that under Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rule, the “call-in” procedure shall not apply to recommendations the Cabinet makes to the Council.  The matters on which recommendations have been made to the Council, if any, are identified with an asterisk [*] in the above Minutes.


(2)       Members of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee are entitled to call in decisions taken by the Cabinet for scrutiny before they are implemented, other than any recommendations covered under (1) above.


(3)       Within three working days of the date on which a decision of the Cabinet or a Cabinet Member is published, not less than three members [one of whom must be the Chairman] of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee are able to "call in" a decision;


(4)       To avoid delay in considering an item "called in”, an extraordinary meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee will be convened within seven days of a "call in" being received if an ordinary meeting is not scheduled in that period;


(5)       When calling in a Cabinet decision for review the members doing so should in their notice of "call in":

Outline their reasons for requiring a review.

           Indicate any further information they consider the Overview and Scrutiny Committee needs to have before it in order to conduct a review in addition to the written report made by officers to the Cabinet;

           Indicate whether, where the decision was taken collectively by the Cabinet, they wish the Leader or his nominee (who should normally be the Cabinet Member) or where the decision was taken by a Cabinet Member, the member of the Cabinet making the decision, to attend the committee meeting; and

           Indicate whether the officer making the report to the Cabinet or the Cabinet Member taking the decision or his/her representative should attend the meeting.


The deadline of three working days for "call in" by  ...  view the full minutes text for item 2191