Issue - meetings


Meeting: 29/10/2020 - Council (Item 245)


To consider those motions received from Councillors in accordance with Standing Order 19 which were adjourned from the meeting held on 22 October 2020.


Motion 3


“This Council notes: The publication by Government of the White Paper, Planning for the Future on 6 August 2020, which set out proposals on reforms to the planning process for the future.


This Council believes:

1.    That existing planning procedures, as currently administered by our own team, allow for local democratic control over future development, and give local people a say in planning proposals that affect them.

2.    That proposals for automatic rights to build in growth areas, and increase permitted development rights, risk unregulated growth and unsustainable communities.

3.    That local communities must be in the driving seat on shaping the future of their communities, and local determination of the planning framework and planning applications play an important part in this process.


And this Council resolves to:

1.    Take part in the consultation on the planning proposals, and to make representations against the proposals as outlined in this motion.

2.    Write to and lobby our Member of Parliament, urging him to oppose these proposals and to circulate the reply to members.

3.    Highlight its concerns over these proposals with the public and local residents.


This Council is concerned that the proposals seek to:

1. Reduce or remove the right of residents to object to applications near them.

2. Grant automatic rights for developers to build on land identified for growth.

3. Remove section 106 payments for infrastructure and their replacement with a national levy.


The vast majority of planning applications are given the go ahead by local authority planning committees, with permission granted to around 9 out of 10 applications.
And research by the Local Government Association has said that there are existing planning permissions for more than one million homes that have not yet been started.


This Council further notes: The Royal Institute for British Architects called the proposals shameful and which will do almost nothing to guarantee delivery of affordable, well-designed and sustainable homes. RIBA also said that proposals could lead to the next generation of slum housing. The reforms are opposed by the all-party Local Government Association, currently led by Conservative Councillors.”

Proposed by Councillor B.B. Spoor

Seconded by Councillor T. Fidler

Motion 4 - disallowed


Motion 5

"According to the Royal College of Physicians an estimated 40,000 deaths a year in the UK are linked to air pollution, with engine idling contributing to this. Engine idling can release 150 balloons worth of exhaust emissions in just one minute.


As stated by the RAC “(t)hese fumes contain a number of harmful gasses including carbon dioxide, which is bad for the environment and contributes towards climate change, as well as a range of other harmful gasses including nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons which are linked to asthma and other lung diseases.”


As a Council that wishes to improve air quality across the borough, this council herewith decides to:-


a)  ...  view the full agenda text for item 245


The Council considered those motions received from councillors in accordance with Standing Order 19 which were adjourned from the meeting held on 22 October 2020.


Motion 3


It was proposed by Councillor B.B. Spoor and seconded by Councillor T. Fidler that:


“This Council notes: The publication by Government of the White Paper, Planning for the Future on 6 August 2020, which set out proposals on reforms to the planning process for the future.


This Council believes:

1.    that existing planning procedures, as currently administered by our own team, allow for local democratic control over future development, and give local people a say in planning proposals that affect them.

2.    that proposals for automatic rights to build in growth areas, and increase permitted development rights, risk unregulated growth and unsustainable communities.

3.    that local communities must be in the driving seat on shaping the future of their communities, and local determination of the planning framework and planning applications play an important part in this process.


And this Council resolves to:

1.    take part in the consultation on the planning proposals, and to make representations against the proposals as outlined in this motion.

2.    write to and lobby our Member of Parliament, urging him to oppose these proposals and to circulate the reply to members.

3.    highlight its concerns over these proposals with the public and local residents.


This Council is concerned that the proposals seek to:

1. reduce or remove the right of residents to object to applications near them.

2. grant automatic rights for developers to build on land identified for growth.

3. remove section 106 payments for infrastructure and their replacement with a national levy.


The vast majority of planning applications are given the go ahead by local authority planning committees, with permission granted to around 9 out of 10 applications.
And research by the Local Government Association has said that there are existing planning permissions for more than one million homes that have not yet been started.


This Council further notes: The Royal Institute for British Architects called the proposals shameful and which will do almost nothing to guarantee delivery of affordable, well-designed and sustainable homes. RIBA also said that proposals could lead to the next generation of slum housing. The reforms are opposed by the all-party Local Government Association, currently led by Conservative Councillors.”


The motion was debated, put to the vote and carried.


Resolved that:

This Council notes: The publication by Government of the White Paper, Planning for the Future on 6 August 2020, which set out proposals on reforms to the planning process for the future.


This Council believes:

1.    that existing planning procedures, as currently administered by our own team, allow for local democratic control over future development, and give local people a say in planning proposals that affect them.

2.    that proposals for automatic rights to build in growth areas, and increase permitted development rights, risk unregulated growth and unsustainable communities.

3.    that local communities must be in the driving seat on shaping  ...  view the full minutes text for item 245

Meeting: 22/10/2020 - Council (Item 243)

243 Motions pdf icon PDF 121 KB

To receive any motions from Councillors in accordance with Standing Order 19.


Note: The deadline for motions to be considered at this meeting was Monday 12 October 2020 and 6 were received:


Motion 1

The following amendments to the SBC Constitution are to be proposed.


That the Constitution be amended as follows:


Part 4 section (d)
Financial Regulation B: Financial Planning
Authorisation of Capital Expenditure
Para B24 be amended as follows
‘Capital expenditure on a scheme not included in estimates or budgets may only be incurred after full evaluation of that scheme by the Leader (if under £20,000) or Cabinet (between £20,000 and £1million) Any proposed capital expenditure over £1 million must be evaluated and agreed by majority of Council Members'.


The paragraph will continue as detailed- ‘This will include a statement………….’


A final sentence to be added: ‘This paragraph (B24) shall take priority over any other clause or paragraph within this Constitution that may be, or appear to be, in conflict.’

Para A38 be amended as follows:

The Leader is authorised to approve a total supplementary expenditure in a year not exceeding 5% of the approved net revenue budget and £20,000 on any approved capital scheme.


Part 4 section (c)

Who May Make Cabinet Decisions

Para 2.1 be amended as follows

‘The arrangements for the discharge of Cabinet functions may be set out by the Leader. The Leader may, after full consultation and agreement of the majority of Cabinet members, provide for Cabinet functions to be discharged by: The list (a) to (g)



Para 6.1be amended as follows:

The quorum for a meeting of the Cabinet is 5.


Proposed by Councillor T. Mitchell

Seconded by Councillor R. Barratt



Motion 2


“Members will undoubtedly have noticed the growth in the number of small silver canisters lying around in our borough. These are Nitrous Oxide gas cylinders which are not being used for the purpose that they were manufactured but are being used by youngsters to give themselves an instant ‘high’. 


The gas does unfortunately have side effects. It is very dangerous to inhale nitrous oxide directly from the canister and doing it in an enclosed space is also very dangerous. If you take too much nitrous oxide you risk falling unconscious and/or suffocating from the lack of oxygen. People have died this way.

This is a psychoactive drug and is covered by the 2016 Psychoactive Substances Act, which means it’s illegal to give away or sell. There’s no penalty for possession unless you’re in prison.  Supply and production can get you up to 7 years in prison, an unlimited fine or both.

In order to try to protect our residents from the effect of this drug:-


This Council resolves to:-


a) Hold an advertising campaign to 

i) remind local businesses of the legislation regarding supply of these canisters. 

ii) remind parents/guardians of the harm that inhaling Nitrous Oxide from these cylinders will cause for their children.

b) ask schools and youth organisations to highlight the dangers of  ...  view the full agenda text for item 243


The Mayor advised that in accordance with Standing Order 17 the Council had received six written Notices of Motions.


The Monitoring Officer advised that Motion 4, proposed by Councillor Siva, could not be considered by the Council as it was unlawful.


Motion 1

The Council considered the Report of the Monitoring Officer on the Motion to make changes to the Constitution.


Councillor A.J. Michell moved and Councillor R.O. Barratt seconded the following motion:


That the Constitution be amended as follows:


a.         Part 4 Section (d) – Financial Regulations


i. Para B24 be amended as follows:


‘Capital expenditure on a scheme not included in estimates or budgets may only be incurred after full evaluation of that scheme by the Leader (if under £20,000) or Cabinet (between £20,000 and £1million) Any proposed capital expenditure over £1 million must be evaluated and agreed by majority of Council Members'.


The paragraph will continue as detailed- ‘This will include a statement………….’


A final sentence to be added: ‘This paragraph (B24) shall take priority over any other clause or paragraph within this Constitution that may be, or appear to be, in conflict.’


ii. Para A38 be amended as follows:


The Leader is authorised to approve a total supplementary expenditure in a year not exceeding 5% of the approved net revenue budget and £20,000 on any approved capital scheme.


b. Part 4 section (c) Who May Make Cabinet Decisions


i. Who may make cabinet decisions: Para 2.1 be amended as follows:


‘The arrangements for the discharge of Cabinet functions may be set

out by the Leader. The Leader may, after full consultation and

agreement of the majority of Cabinet members, provide for Cabinet

functions to be discharged by: The list (a) to (g)


ii. Quorum: Para 6.1 be amended as follows:

The quorum for a meeting of the Cabinet is 5.


c. Part 4a Standing Orders


That Standing Order 4(a) be amended to read:


‘The quorum of the Council is one quarter of the total number of councillors (and in the case of Cabinet shall be 5 members) and no business shall be considered unless a quorum is present.’


In accordance with Standing Order 20.13 the Council gave its consent to the alteration of the Motion on notice.


The motion was debated, put to the vote and carried.


Resolved that the Constitution be amended as follows:


a.         Part 4 Section (d) – Financial Regulations


i. Para B24 be amended as follows:


‘Capital expenditure on a scheme not included in estimates or budgets may only be incurred after full evaluation of that scheme by the Leader (if under £20,000) or Cabinet (between £20,000 and £1million) Any proposed capital expenditure over £1 million must be evaluated and agreed by majority of Council Members'.


The paragraph will continue as detailed- ‘This will include a statement………….’


A final sentence to be added: ‘This paragraph (B24) shall take priority over any other clause or paragraph within this Constitution that may be, or appear to be, in conflict.’  ...  view the full minutes text for item 243