Issue - meetings

Corporate Risk Management

Meeting: 25/06/2015 - Audit Committee (Item 158)

158 Corporate Risk Management pdf icon PDF 375 KB

To receive a report from the Deputy Chief Executive (copy attached).

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The Internal Audit Manager reported that the Corporate Risk Register had undergone its regular quarterly review and update by the Corporate Risk Management Group and Management Team to ensure that actions were being taken to deal with the identified risks. She explained that Cabinet would now receive the Corporate Risk Register on a quarterly basis to ensure that significant issues and risks affecting the authority are highlighted to the Cabinet and relevant Portfolio Holders.


The Internal Audit Manager summarised the risks affecting the Council, as outlined in the report specifically the business continuity plans, service planning, the Towards a Sustainable Future (TaSF) project, the amount of projects, staff morale and the procurement and contracts of the authority.


She explained that the Council currently had 26 projects ongoing and indicated that Management Team in collaboration with the Cabinet must continue to assess the capacity of the Council to achieve and develop new projects and manage the potential revenue implications associated. Furthermore she indicated that the TaSF project required a higher level of overview to oversee the development of the project in its entirety, but she acknowledged that the Internal Audit Team recognises that the Head of Customer Services provides an overlooking aspect to the project. 


The Committee was concerned with the amount of ongoing higher level projects and questioned whether they were reviewed. The Internal Audit Manager agreed that there were a large number of projects for the size of the authority, but reassured the Committee that regular project management update reports used to highlight issues were being reported to Management Team and Cabinet and constant discussions were taking place. 


The revised register was considered to be an accurate reflection of the high level risks affecting the Authority and progress on actions was documented on the register.


Resolved that:

1)    The contents of the Corporate Risk Register be noted and accepted;


2)    That the Corporate Risk Register be recommended to Cabinet for approval.