85 Capital Monitoring Q3 (Oct-Dec) PDF 210 KB
To note the current level of actual spend, committed spend and projected underspend capital expenditure in 2020/21 as at 31 December 2020.
Additional documents:
The Chief Accountant informed the Committee that the report had been adapted and reflected the decision taken by Council on the moratorium earlier in the year. He explained that the projected outturn was £3.25 million with £110.1 million underspend to be carried over in 2021-22.
In response to a members question on the underspend as a result of the delayed purchase of property Y the Deputy Chief Executive advised that he would need to provide the Committee with a written response as the answer would contain information that was currently exempt.
In response to a members queries the Chief Accountant explained that he would need to look into the reported underspend on Harper House and the year to date expenditure on the Oast House and Ceaser Court and provide a written response for circulation to the Committee. Members of the Committee expressed concern that the appendices were not providing a clear picture and welcomed a written response on the queries raised.
A member queried why there was a carry forward of £24,500 against the air quality line and expressed concern that progress was not being made. The Deputy Chief Executive explained that the Council did want to move this forward and he would provide the Committee with a written update on progress after the meeting.
The Committee agreed to note the report.
2829 Capital Monitoring Q3 (Oct-Dec) PDF 210 KB
Councillor S. Buttar
To note the current level of capital spend.
Additional documents:
Cabinet considered the Capital Monitoring Report 2020/21 as at 31 December 2020.
Resolved to note that the current level of actual spend, committed spend and projected underspend in capital expenditure in 2020/21 as at 31 December 2020.