Issue - meetings

New role for Independent Persons

Meeting: 18/06/2015 - Members' Code of Conduct Committee (Item 149)

149 Role of the Independent Persons pdf icon PDF 153 KB

To consider a report from the Monitoring Officer on an additional role for the Independent Persons following amendments to the regulations. (Report to follow)


The Committee considered a report from the Monitoring Officer on the new role for Independent Persons as a consequence of the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2015.


The Deputy Monitoring Officer explained that the regulations came into force on 11 May 2015 and provided for new simplified arrangements for taking disciplinary action against the Council’s Statutory officers, namely: the Head of Paid Service, the Chief Finance (s151) Officer and the Monitoring Officer.


She outlined the new disciplinary process which replaced the requirement for an investigation by a Designated Independent Person with a decision by Council following consideration of advice or recommendations of an independent panel made up of Independent Persons appointed for the purposes of the members’ conduct regime under the Localism Act 2011.


As the new Regulations increased the role of the Independent Person, it was proposed that the existing shared pool arrangement with Guildford BC, Mole Valley DC and Waverley BC be extended to include Reigate and Banstead BC and that an additional two Independent Persons be appointed, namely Mr Paul Sherar and Mr David Seymour.


Resolved to:


1.    Note the requirements of the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2015;


2.    Recommend to Council that the following be appointed as Independent Persons to support the Council’s Code of Conduct and Statutory Officer procedure rule requirements:


a.    Mr Roger Pett

b.    Mr Tony Allenby

c.    Ms Vivienne Cameron

d.    Mr Paul Sherar

e.    Mr David Seymour


3.    Authorise the Monitoring Officer to make consequential amendments to the Employment procedure Rules within the Constitution for approval by Council.