Issue - meetings

Psychoactive substances public space protection order

Meeting: 19/05/2021 - Cabinet (Item 2855)

2855 Psychoactive substances public space protection order - Key Decision pdf icon PDF 141 KB

Councillor R. Barratt


To consider the report on Psychoactive Substances  -  Public Space Protection Order.

Additional documents:


Cabinet considered a report on a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) for psychoactive substances.


Cabinet noted that Spelthorne has long encountered issues with the use, and associated littering, of Nitrous Oxide canisters and that a legal loophole meant possession and personal use is not currently covered by legislation.


Initial hotspot crime analysis revealed that the problem was widespread throughout the borough, with particularly high usage noted in the town centres. It was also a problem in parks and borough car parks.


A public consultation took place between 18 January and 28 February 2021 and 97.3% of respondents were in favour of adopting a PSPO.


Cabinet acknowledged that more needed to be done to ensure that young people were better informed of the dangers of psychoactive substances and commended the work of Spelthorne Litter Pickers who have helped clear the borough of Nitrous Oxide canisters and raise the profile of the issue.


Alternative options considered and rejected by the Cabinet:

There were no alternative options considered.


Resolved to

1)    make a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) relating to possession and use of Nitrous Oxide, in accordance with the Antisocial Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014;

2)    adopt the Fixed Penalty Notices, for breaches of the Nitrous Oxide PSPO, which currently stand at £100;

3)    delegate authority to the Group Head of Neighbourhood Services to issue Fixed Penalty Notices for breaches of the above PSPO.


Reasons for decision:

To reduce the possession and use of psychoactive substances for recreational consumption, to increase public health awareness of potentially dangerous substances, to reduce dangerous littering (metal nitrous oxide canisters), and to help provide a safe and clean environment for all.