Issue - meetings

Climate Change Working Group and Terms of Reference

Meeting: 30/06/2021 - Environment and Sustainability Committee (Item 200)

200 Climate Change Working Group and Terms of Reference pdf icon PDF 197 KB

To consider whether a Climate Change Working Group is required and, if agreed, what their remit should be.


Additional documents:


Following the change to a Committee system form of governance it was necessary for all task groups to be reconstituted.  The former Climate Change Working Group had gathered information and started to focus on actions to reduce the borough’s carbon footprint. However, it was acknowledged that it was a huge agenda and a specific focus for the working group might be beneficial.


Sandy Muirhead, Group Head of Commissioning and Transformation presented her report which proposed the working group was reconstituted to undertake an audit function on the Council’s carbon reduction projects to ensure they were effective and to assess and evaluate initial ideas before they came to the Committee for wider discussion and consideration.


The Committee suggested seeking wider participation from other members who may have suitable skill sets and to have flexibility on the membership numbers.   Cllr Leighton considered that interest, ability, and energy to participate was more important than political proportionality in this instance.


The Committee resolved:

1.    To agree the setting up of a working group to focus on monitoring of actions towards carbon neutrality and to assess initial ideas on measures to address climate change before submission to the Environment and Sustainability Committee.

2.    Sandy Muirhead, Group Head of Commissioning and Transformation to contact Group Leaders and ask for expressions of interest for any members interested in joining the group. 

3.    It was agreed to delegate authority to the Group Head of Commissioning and Transformation, in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair to agree members of the working group.


Alternative options considered and rejected:

Not to set up a Climate Change Working Group.  This would make it difficult to ensure there was a continued focus to achieve carbon reduction in the borough.


Reason for decision:

As climate change issues permeate all the Committee’s remit in some form it was considered that a working group could play a role in managing the Council’s approach to climate change.