Issue - meetings

Reserves Policy

Meeting: 07/02/2022 - Corporate Policy and Resources Committee (Item 30)

30 Capital and Revenue Reserves Strategy pdf icon PDF 677 KB

To consider and recommend the Capital and Revenue Reserves Strategy to Council.

Additional documents:


It was noted that whilst the Council had a generally healthy level of reserves, a significant proportion of the Council’s reserves could only be used for specific purposes.  Holding a robust strategy was therefore important.


The Committee noted:


1.    The Council approach (as referenced in Capital Strategy and Reserve Strategy reports) of modelling on a fifty year basis but with more detailed focus and scrutiny on the first twenty years on a rolling basis of sinking fund reserves to continue to strengthen Council’s earmarked reserves position.

2.    That by successfully implementing the above approach, Spelthorne Borough Council had the highest ratio of usable revenue reserves to Net Revenue Expenditure (NRE) of any district or borough council in England.

3.    That subject to Council approval, the Outline Budget analysis indicated that Council would make a £2,988,286 net contribution to the rent equalisation reserve (sinking funds).

4.    That due to the successful redevelopment of the West Wing for affordable rental units, the Council should explore the feasibility of moving the Council’s offices to take advantage of the new hybrid working era by redeveloping the remaining two wings and improve the Council’s carbon footprint.

5.    That the Council remained on track to build up its reserves to protect services and the interests of residents of the Borough.

6.    Officers would review and produce a 50-year sinking fund strategy, with a particular focus on the next five years, for consideration as part of the 2023-24 budget setting process.

Meeting: 19/01/2022 - Corporate Policy and Resources Committee (Item 14)

14 Capital and Revenue Reserves Strategy - draft for discussion pdf icon PDF 667 KB

To review the draft Capital and Revenue Reserves Strategy before considering a final version at the meeting being held on 7 February 2022.

Additional documents:


The importance of having a comprehensive capital and revenue Reserves Strategy was emphasised to the Committee, particularly because there were examples of local authorities encountering significant financial issues largely due to the poor use of their reserves.


The draft Capital and Revenue Reserves Strategy was noted.