Issue - meetings

Capital Monitoring Report Q3 (Oct-Dec 2021)

Meeting: 29/03/2022 - Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee (Item 16)

16 Capital Monitoring Report Q3 (Oct-Dec 2021) pdf icon PDF 221 KB

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The Committee considered a report from the Chief Accountant that outlined the capital projects that fell under the remit of the Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee.


Concerns were expressed over the figures for the Oast House and in particular the large overspend in the sum of £13.4m. The Deputy Chief Executive, Terry Collier advised that this was due to both the delays moving the development forward and also the increase in construction costs.


Terry agreed to circulate a more detailed breakdown of the overspend to Committee Members and the Committee Manager would include the response in the minutes of the meeting.


The Committee asked why the report was showing an increase in costs for the acquisition of land at the White House.


Terry advised that The Chief Finance Officer would provide a detailed answer to all Committee members and that the Committee Manager would include the response in the minutes of the meeting.




The Committee resolved to note the report.